Il ricettario Keto perfetto

Il ricettario Keto perfetto –  L’unico ricettario di cui avrai mai bisogno per bruciare i grassi, tenerlo spento e vivere la tua vita più sana e più felice!

 Dispone di 20 ricette Keto-Friendly con rapporti macronutrienti perfetti per una perdita di grasso senza sforzo 

  • Ogni ricetta in questo libro utilizza solo alimenti Keto-Friendly
  • Ti mostro il rapporto esatto di macronutrienti per ogni ricetta (grassi, proteine ​​e carboidrati netti) 
  • Fornisco dati nutrizionali e dimensioni di servizio per ogni ricetta.
  • Tutte queste ricette sono state testate per semplicità. In effetti, sono così facili che un Caveman possa cucinarli …

Infatti, (per l’americano medio) se trascorri i prossimi 30 giorni mangiando solo ricette di questo libro, vedresti miglioramenti significativi praticamente in tutti gli aspetti della tua salute! 


The Only Cookbook You’ll Ever Need to Burn Fat, Keep it Off and Live Your Healthiest, Happiest LifeSimplify your life and remove all the guesswork when it comes to cooking for your new Keto Lifestyle

The Perfect Keto Cookbook is the cookbook I wish someone had sold to me when I first started my Keto journey years ago… k.i.s.s(Keep It Simple Sunshine)simple = sustainable. 

Here are the basics…Each recipe in this book uses only ingredients found on the Clovis Approved Foods ListI show you the exact Macronutrient Ratio for each recipe (Fat, Protein, and Net Carbs) I provide Nutrition Facts and Serving Sizes for each recipe.All of these recipes have been tested for simplicity. In fact, they’re so easy a Caveman could cook them…In fact, (for the Average American) if you spent the next 30 days only eating recipes from this book, you would see significant improvements in virtually all aspects of your health!

 Get Cooking Today!

*This Product is a Digital EBook Download*


why i made a cookbook…I hate cookbooks. For real. I said it, I meant it, I’m here to represent it! I’m not joking…I really hate cookbooks!
Think about it, one of the best selling book genres of all time is “cookbooks.” It’s also the genre of books that holds the world record for collecting dust on cold, dark, shelves all across America. 
“Hey, remember that amazing night when we totally nailed that Martha Stewart recipe?! You know, the one with 18 rare ingredients that we had to drive all over town to find, the ‘prep time’ that took 2 hours with 4 different mixing bowls, and the ‘cook time’ that took another 90 minutes?! Boy, that sure was fun!” – said no one ever.
Admit it. I just described the wild and whacky cooking adventures of 99% of Americans… 
So, why did I decide to create my very own cookbook?! For one simple reason… I really hate cookbooks!
I’m a firm believer that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity makes everything easier. Simplify all aspects of your life, and you will find continued, sustainable, success. The same is true of health & wellness! Especially, nutrition.
I see it all the time in clients; the sheer panic in their faces when I tell them they’re going to need to start cooking their own meals. I give them their Clovis Approved Foods List, they go grocery shopping, and 9 times out of 10 come back to me and say, “Ummm… now what?!” 
They want recipes. They’re trained to want recipes. Why? Because every “diet plan” since we stopped writing with feathers has included a cookbook to “help you get started.” But it wasn’t actually designed to help you… It was merely intended as an upsell product so they could make more money off of you by pretending that they knew a damn thing about cooking.
The truth is… cookbooks lead to failure. Trust me. I’ve seen it more times than I can count.
When you first switch to the Clovis Lifestyle, you realize that you’re going to be preparing almost 100% of your meals with your own two hands. How long do you think you will be able to sustain all that cooking if each meal takes 60-120 minutes from start to finish?! I give you 2 weeks… and that’s being generous.In my personal life, unless I am preparing a big meal for my family or guests, I tend to keep things as efficient as possible. Why? It’s easier this way! I don’t follow any recipes. I combine single ingredient, whole foods, and make meals. 
Example Meal: Scrambled eggs, sautéed kale, avocado, and a baked sweet potato if I’m feeling fancy! Salt and pepper to taste. Simple.
For my day to day life, the simpler, the better! Of course, I love to cook big elaborate meals with my loved ones just as much as the next guy! But 9 times out of 10, I’m sticking with simple. Because simple = sustainable.But simple doesn’t sell books… Until now!I’ve created The Perfect Keto Cookbook to simplify your life and remove all the guesswork when it comes to cooking for your new Clovis Lifestyle. It’s the cookbook I wish someone had sold to me when I first started my Keto journey years ago. Here are the basics…

  • ​Each recipe in this book uses only ingredients found on the Clovis Approved Foods List
  • ​I show you the exact Macronutrient Ratio for each recipe (Fat, Protein, and Net Carbs)
  • I provide Nutrition Facts and Serving Sizes for each recipe.
  • ​All of these recipes have been tested for simplicity. In fact, they’re so easy a Caveman could cook them…
  • (See what I did there? A Paleo joke… get it?… Moving on…)

In fact, (for the Average American) if you spent the next 30 days only eating recipes from this book, you would see significant improvements in virtually all aspects of your health!
Quite literally, this is the only cookbook you’ll ever need. I’m giving you 20 delicious, Keto-Friendly, Whole Food Recipes, conveniently sorted by meal times:

  • ​5 Breakfast Recipes
  • ​5 Lunch Recipes
  • 5 Dinner Recipes
  • ​5 Dessert Recipes

Of course, you and your family can have fun with this and chow down on any of these recipes at any time of day! Avocado Ice Cream for breakfast?! Egg and salmon on sweet potato toast for dinner?! Go for it! That’s the beauty of a cookbook that only contains Clovis Approved Ingredients.
Up until now, I’ve always told people that the key to simple cooking was one skillet, one pot, and single ingredient, whole foods. Turn on the heat, and combine them any way you’d like! Developing the ability to create unique meals with whole foods changes your relationship with food. It gives you the freedom to break out of the societal norm of preparing “pre-made” foods that came in a cardboard box with a 3-year shelf life. Franken-foods that are, assuredly, poisoning you and your loved ones. But I fully understand that relearning how to cook from scratch can be quite intimidating, and I want to help you overcome that obstacle!
The Perfect Keto Cookbook is my way of helping you see food in a different light. To see how powerful just a few simple ingredients can be. To learn, first hand, how delicious, and nutritious, real food truly is! To understand that you don’t need pre-made, packaged foods, with cute graphics or mascots to make your family happy.
All I ask in return is that, at least occasionally, you will take the time to prepare these recipes with your loved ones. Together. Create memories with one another through your shared cooking experiences. These are cooking traditions that can live on and impact the health and happiness of your family for generations. That is why I finally decided to create this book!
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – HippocratesBon Appetit!

*This Product is a Digital EBook Download*


Pubblicato da Viktoriya

Let me introduce myself, my name is Viktoriya. I am sunny, very curious, songwriter, pessimist, my best qualities are exuberance, the desire to have fun and live life with ennesine power, life is beautiful .... I hate arrogance and falsehood, while instead I love laugh and joke because I find it is good. I embrace the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, and I happily hope the way in difficult paths in this life.I now work as an operator in a family home for the elderly. to improve my life ... I operated his blog, I started writing by publishing articles from the advertising of different companies of a chain of affiliate marketing services or products.

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