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The Best Amazon FBA Course Online

The #1 PROVEN way to win on Amazon FBA! Learn the secret formula used by the award-winning 8-figure seller, Kevin David, to find & sell profitable products on Amazon. 

Kevin David’s Amazon FBA course is for everyone; whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, this course has a TON of actionable information for starting, or scaling up Amazon FBA business! 

It covers everything you will need to build and scale up a successful Amazon business in the shortest possible time: product research, finding suppliers, advertising on Amazon, etc. 

With in-depth video walkthroughs and clear step by step action items, you will be learning how to dominate every aspect of Amazon FBA business from A – Z!

Clik here link

Kevin David used to work 80 hour weeks at his unfulfilling job as an accountant. In a short time Kevin built a successful eCommerce business, and has since helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs learn more about eCommerce!
This FREE training class cuts right to the chase and reveals exactly how Kevin was able to start and grow his eCommerce business so quickly and how anyone, with the right information and consistent hard work, can do the same starting RIGHT NOW! 
Kevin has one of the best (if not the best) track records in this industry and has created numerous success stories with his training!
Kevin usually charges significant fees to work with clients one on one but this training reveals the exact same methods to you for FREE! Register now before this is taken offline!  



Relax, it doesn’t take long! Our team will get to work immediately on reviewing and approving your application.


For every click through that converts, we’ll pay you up to 50% in commission value.


You’ll get full, PRO-level Amazon FBA Course sales training and we’ll assign you your own personal affiliate URL link to share.


At ThatLifestyleNinja, our goal is simple: we provide a step-by-step guide that teaches people EXACTLY what they need to do to build a successful Amazon FBA business from scratch.
 We use our years of experience and proven success strategy to help get our students’ Amazon empires off the ground, without any prior experience or skill.In just 6 video-modules, Kevin David, ThatLifestyleNinja CEO & world-leading Amazon Seller, personally delivers his winning strategy and provides immense value to every Ninja looking to begin successful career in eCommerce.

Visit sito web link here

A PRODUCT THAT CHANGES LIVESSince day one we’ve been committed to building a program that people love. Our Amazon FBA Course has taught thousands of people of all ages and from different backgrounds all over the world the skills they need to become successful online entrepreneurs. 

Kevin David’s experiences with online business are not typical; he is an experienced eCommerce seller and marketer.

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Locksmithing Secrets – Brand New To Digistore!

Placeholder Image

“New FREE Training Shows

The 3-Step System To $1,000+ Per Day

From *Your Own* Mobile Locksmith Business…”

Want To Set Up A Money Making Mobile Workshop Like This?

All The Lessons You Need To Build A Successful Locksmith Business From Home!

Hey, Alex here — 

Master Locksmith of 15 years & Professional Trainer.

Placeholder Image

” Locksmith Training Courses Aren’t Even Run By Trading Locksmiths! “

They’re Usually Just Teachers On Commission To Sell More Equipment That You Supposedly Need!

(Most have never even attended a real job out on the road in the real world!)

You don’t know where to start learning, who to listen to, what tools and equipment you need and where to buy them at the best prices.

Many people THINK about starting a locksmith business but get stuck at this first hurdle.

And the truth is, the sooner you start the better. 


At the moment locksmithing is a relatively untapped market with very little competition but soon people are going to start jumping on the bandwagon after realizing how lucrative this industry is and how rewarding it is at the same time. 

 You need to make a start NOW to get yourself established and become the #1 locksmith in your city or town before someone else does!

The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll get established which means you’ll be able to offer your service for BIG REWARDS.

I don’t want YOU to get  ‘paralysis by analysis’ and end up doing NOTHING, which means you’ll never get to experience what it’s like when you get paid for picking open locks and starting your own mobile locksmith business that will give you flexible working hours and HUGE PROFITS.

Luckily for you, there’s now a solution for that…

Placeholder Image

A Complete Online Locksmith Course Blueprint With Both Practical Lessons AND Business Lessons To Take You From ZERO Experience To Master Locksmith Earning $1,000 Per Day Or More

(Even higher rewards if you offer a 24 hour service)

Locksmithing Secrets
The 3-Step System Online Course

The Complete Locksmith Blueprint Online Course

From Beginner Domestic Locksmithing To Advance Automotive Locksmithing 

  • You’ll get INSTANT access to the complete locksmith 3-Step system online course so you can watch the lessons over and over again which means you don’t need to worry about forgetting ANY part of this process


  • You’ll also get a complete business course on becoming a Locksmith so you can set yourself up for success which means you’ll be in this for the long run by building a solid foundation for your new business


  • Get insider secrets into what equipment to invest in such as lock picks, key cutting machines, key programmers and stock so you don’t waste money on things that won’t earn you money in the future! This means you’ll have more money left to invest into your marketing


  • Discover how to get your website to number 1 on Google for people searching for a locksmith in your area, this will keep you in demand and will be your ‘money tap’ which means you will start reaping the rewards from the start


  • Get a detailed view of how I run my locksmith business so you can copy exactly what I’m doing and set this money machine up for yourself which means you won’t need to spend the next 15 years working this out for yourself
  • You’ll get access to the private members Facebook group so you can learn as you go with other beginner locksmiths which means you won’t be going alone – you’ll have a huge wealth of support along the way.


My name is Calbert from Washington, the locksmith mentor home course changed my life in one week I went from one call maybe a week to calls everyday I never was getting any commercial calls now the area mall is calling me I would like to thank Alex this Mentor was something I was looking for I am working out of my SUV purchase all of the tools and now I am getting phone calls every day the blue print works now I’m getting into auto in my area I give it 5 stars.

MASTER = Cars + Houses clik here

  • I’m passionate about this and I want to get started today!
  • I’m ready to commit my time to learning this and I don’t give up easily
  • I have a larger vehicle or I’m willing to get one
  • I have at least $500 to invest into tools (Full list given)
  • I want to earn $1,000 + Per Day from home .

E-BOOK (VALUE: $9.99)

  • 29 page inspirational guide
  • Top insider locksmithing secrets
  • Learn in 15 minutes what took 15 years of blood, sweat and tears!
  • The number 1 secret to becoming a successful locksmith
  • The marketing hacks to get your website to the top of Google!
  • Jam packed with valuable information.

  • I have a small budget, can I still start this business?


You can start off by just offering a domestic locksmith service and then invest your profits back into your business by purchasing the key programmers and key cutting machine. 

  • Will your course give me a locksmith licence/certificate?

My course will not give you any qualification but it will give you a huge shortcut into the industry and will cut your learning time by many years! It will also help with the business aspects and help you succeed faster,

In the UK you currently do not need a licence to be a locksmith but please check on your government website depending what country you are working from.

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Business Online di Successo come guadagnare con instagram, fare soldi con Instagram Come Guadagnare con Instagram Grazie a 3 Dritte Davvero Infallibili

Come guadagnare con Instagram? Inizia dal tuo profilo!

Come guadagnare soldi con Instagram? Creando prima di tutto un profilo attraente e soprattutto convincente.

Essendo Instagram un  social dedicato alle immagini non si può ovviamente trascurare la qualità di queste. Prima di qualunque post, la prima foto da scegliere sarà proprio quella del nostro profilo.

È importante che sia in grado di trasmettere al primo impatto qualcosa. Chiunque la guardi dovrà leggere tra le righe un messaggio. Per tale motivo dovremmo evitare di utilizzare immagine poco nitide e con bassa risoluzione.

Il secondo elemento fondamentale nella progettazione di un profilo è la famosa bio. Qui dovremo utilizzare una frase non troppa lunga capace di descriverci e catturare l’attenzione. Il tutto in 150 caratteri.

Il linguaggio di Instagram è veloce. La gente scrolla con le dita e regala “tap” alla velocità della luce. Ciò che conta è il particolare, piuttosto che un testo lungo, anche se ben costruito. Bisogna adeguarsi a questo genere di linguaggio, facendo propri tutti i suoi aspetti comunicativi, tra cui le celebri emoticon.

La descrizione del nostro profilo è l’unica area del social che ci consentirà di inserire un link (a parte lo “swipe up” nelle stories al raggiungimento del 10.000 follower).

Sfruttiamola al meglio! Mettiamo un collegamento alla landing page che porterà qualunque utente con un click verso il nostro blog o sito in cui ritroverà la nostra proposta di business.

Instagram, nato come semplice app con cui condividere delle foto, nel giro di pochissimi anni è diventato il social per eccellenza surclassando anche il suo alter ego Facebook. Da quando sono state introdotte le famosissime stories gli utenti sono rapidamente raddoppiati superando i 700 milioni.

Vendi le foto

Come guadagnare con instagram? Vendendo le foto. In fondo l’app era nata proprio con l’obiettivo di condividere le foto.

Per questo genere di attività non c’è bisogno di essere dei fotografi professionisti. Basterà avere inventiva, creatività ed applicazione. E sicuramente Instagram potrà essere un ottimo trampolino di lancio!

Dovremo pensare come degli artisti, e perciò utilizzare tutti gli accorgimenti necessari per far risaltare i protagonisti delle nostre immagini. Con le foto di qualità potremmo destare interesse nella comunità d’Instagram nei confronti dei nostri scatti.

Ma dove vendere le immagini? Nuovamente in rete esistono numerosissimi portali in cui caricare le foto, e guadagnare attraverso il loro download. I più famosi sono: iStock, 500px, Etsy.

Quanto sono importanti follower hashtag?

L’opinione comune è portata a credere che guadagnare su Instagram dipenda dal numero di follower. Questa affermazione non è completamente vera. Ormai in rete esistono tanti trucchetti che permettono di acquistare follower.

Il problema che nella maggior parte dei casi questi sono dei banali “bot” che faranno accrescere semplicemente la nostra lista di seguaci. E poi a cos’altro saranno utili? A nulla!

Avere dei follower è indubbiamente un tratto fondamentale del social, ma la cosa che conta di più è il livello di iterazioni che saranno in grado di generare con il nostro profilo. Se commenteranno i nostri post, se parleranno di loro con altri utenti, e se ci consiglieranno a tanti altri instagrammer, allora sì che il loro apporto ci aiuterà a capire come guadagnare con instagram.

L’attività principale del social è la pubblicazione di post. Qual è la maniera giusta per pubblicarli?


Banalmente se usiamo instagram per sponsorizzare un nostro prodotto, ci rivolgeremo ai potenziali acquirenti.

Gli hashtag sono sicuramente un’arma a nostro favore se utilizzati nella maniera giusta. Ne esistono con milioni di foto correlate ed altri con numeri molto più limitati. Ovviamente nei primi la concorrenza sarà più alta e la possibilità di emergere inferiore. Nei secondi invece il tasso competitivo diminuirà, ma minore concorrenza significherà anche meno utenti interessati a quel hashtag.

La soluzione ideale? Alternare hashtag ad alta frequenza con quelli a bassa frequenza. Instagram ci dà la possibilità di inserire fino ad un massimo di 30 hashtag per post. Attenzione a non superare tale soglia: si rischia di non essere indicizzati dal social.

Per approfondire:

Come guadagnare tramite l’affiliate marketing

Hai già sentito parlare di affiliate marketing? Sia che tu ne sia a conoscenza o meno, ti farò un rapido resoconto. L’affiliate marketing è una delle tecniche di guadagno più diffuse sul web. Solitamente il possessore di un blog o un sito si rivolge ad un sito di intermediazione che gli permetterà di affiliarsi ad una determinata azienda.

Come funziona l’affiliazione? Semplicemente verrà inserito all’interno del sito o blog un link o un banner che rimanderà all’azienda in questione. Se attraverso questo l’utente effettuerà un acquisto il sito ospitante otterrà una percentuale sulla vendita.

Ti basti sapere che l’affiliate marketing è applicabile anche su Instagram.

Ci basterà mostrare un prodotto in una recensione, un video o un post, scrivere qualche riga di spiegazione ed inserire il link nella nostra bio.

Quando descriviamo un prodotto è importante ricordarsi che metteremo in primo piano la nostra faccia e la nostra reputazione. Perciò cerchiamo sempre di attivare un programma di affiliazione basato su prodotti con i quali saremo in sintonia ed in un certo senso ci rappresenterano.

Segreti Instagram – Come decifrare il codice Instagram!

Scopri un’esplosione di profitti con il nostro:

Programma partner esclusivo qui

La tua possibilità di vincere una nuova lega!

Inizia oggi come partner:  le possibilità per il nostro nuovo inizio sono straordinariamente buone! Puoi aumentare personalmente il tuo fatturato per te e la tua azienda 100 volte senza lavoro o risorse! La tua possibilità è lì!

Accedi con il tuo indirizzo email e ottieni l’accesso immediato ai dati di accessoe maggiori informazioni sul nostro programma partner!Registrati ora: 1000% gratis!


“Finally! Discover How to Master Instagram to Reach a HUGE and Incredibly Engaged Audience”

Crack the Instagram Code and Reach the Ideal Followers to Grow Your Business

Instagram is one of the most important platforms when it comes to branding and reaching a wide audience. It has over 1 billion active users, and is considered a ‘trendy’ and youthful platform for by the majority of marketers.  
The only issue? A lot of people have no idea how to make use of it. 
Instagram’s power lies in the fact that it is an image-based platform. This gives it a great return on investment, and means that you don’t need to write reams to be successful. It also makes it perfect for getting an emotional response from your audience. And ultimately, emotions are what sell products. 
But this is also what throws a lot of people… 
See if this sounds familiar… 
– You don’t know how to take great photos- You don’t know any other way to succeed on Instagram – You have NO idea how to get a verified account or why you’d want one 
Or what a story is, or how to use Instagram Live- You don’t know how regularly you’re meant to be posting, or how to gain any kind of traction 
– You’ve been sporadically posting promotional content into the void for a while now 
– You have no strategy and no hope of growing in the future

So What’s The Solution?

The problem is that a lot of businesses just don’t understand Instagram. They are STILL somehow too set in the old way of doing things, and don’t know how to leverage the unique advantages of Instagram to their advantage.  
But once you ‘crack’ Instagram, once you ‘get it’, that’s when everything becomes much simpler and you can start to see a MASSIVE increase in your growth and your sales. 
Did you know that the average Instagram influencer with 100,000 subscribers can charge $1,000 for a post? That’s a HUGE amount of cash, and when you think about influencers with millions of followers, the mind truly boggles at what those people must be earning! 
But this should also tell you something else. Big brands are willing to pay BIG money for the kind of exposure and influence that Instagram can afford them. And if you can build that kind of momentum yourself, then you can gain that same exposure completely for free… 
The big question is, how can you get started on Instagram to start building a huge audience and start making serious profit from it? 
The good news is, I’ve written a guide on how you can get started starting today. 


How To Build An Audience and Market Your Business on Instagram — Even If You’re Just a Beginner


No Worries. We have a 30 day money back guarantee

Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside the course:

Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:  How to sell the ‘value proposition’ of your business – that means understanding how an image can tell a thousand words and make people mad for your products and services How to create an Instagram strategy for a non ‘visual’ business product or service How to make an Instagram account grow 10x as rapidly using simple and easy tricks How to convert your loyal followers and most popular posts into sales How to grow a successful Instagram account without posting a single photo! How to use Instagram advertising How to use advanced features – set up a business account, get verified, use shopping on Instagram And for those that want it: how to create a personal brand and become an Instagram celebrity! Get paid to wear nice clothes!  And MUCH more Instagram has proven to be the missing link for countless businesses who have seen their following and their sales soar as a result of a well-orchestrated plan. You are only minutes away beginning the same journey.

Video Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More…

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E-book Indennizzare


Descrizione libroHTML

È un caso come nessun altro. Ingerenza, Ingerenza, Ingerenza. Un camionista determinato deve fare di tutto per far sentire la sua voce in un’aula di tribunale. Con un’antipatia nei confronti degli avvocati, Blake (AKA Bob) si rende conto che l’unico modo per inseguire i soldi che l’industria degli autotrasporti gli ha rubato nel corso degli anni è quello di imparare il sistema legale e fare il lavoro in prosa. Copie, cartucce d’inchiostro, posta certificata. Bob è determinato ad andare fino in fondo. Una notte Blake (Bob) fa un sogno terrificante in cui un uomo misterioso balla in aula pochi secondi prima che l’intero caso stia per andare a sud. “Lo indennizzi! Lo indennizzi!” Grida l’uomo misterioso in possesso di un dottorato in giurisprudenza. Non riesce a vedere il volto dell’uomo nel sogno ma riconosce la voce inquietante e persuasiva.

Una scorciatoia per il successo

Una scorciatoia per il successo
Descrizione libroHTML

Il successo è definito come il raggiungimento di un obiettivo utile. Scopri cosa ti impedisce di raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e impara a risolverlo. Scopri come stabilire obiettivi nelle aree Relazioni, Carriera, Ricreazione, Salute e Denaro. Scopri come pensare correttamente dal futuro per creare risultati ideali.

Cominciamo: Gestione del denaro 101

Cominciamo: Gestione del denaro 101

Descrizione libroHTML

A molti di noi non è mai stato insegnato come gestire il denaro. Di conseguenza, lottiamo con i soldi. Spendiamo più di quanto guadagniamo. Ci sentiamo come se fossimo sepolti nel debito. E il risparmio sembra un sogno irraggiungibile. Lo so perché ci sono stato. Se vuoi imparare a gestire i tuoi soldi o desideri dei consigli per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi finanziari, questo eBook è per te! Il mio eBook ti fornirà informazioni per aiutarti a iniziare a vincere il Money Game. Vincere significa più soldi per te. Si prega di scaricarlo e parlarne agli altri in modo che anche loro possano ottenere la loro copia! Vale sicuramente la pena averlo e vale la pena condividerlo. Ottieni la tua copia oggi! Inizia a sognare di nuovo! Iniziamo!

Goditi subito i tuoi preferiti 

Conoscevi Viktoriya …

… abbiamo assemblato 24 incredibili bundle di libri che puoi divertirti in questo momento! 

Quindi, se ami la fantascienza, il romanticismo (o qualcosa di un po ‘più piccante), i thriller o sei appassionato di affari, miglioramento personale o persino del mondo accademico, puoi riempire istantaneamente il tuo dispositivo preferito con una vasta gamma dei nostri titoli migliori! 

LA PARTE MIGLIORE: puoi pagare quello che vuoi per ognuna di queste incredibili collezioni. Esatto: tutti i contributi risalgono al miglioramento della comunità e dei servizi che offriamo proprio qui su Quindi non solo stai ottenendo grandi libri, ma stai assicurando che ci saranno moltissime novità sorprendenti per tutti (incluso te stesso) per gli anni a venire! 

Scegli la tua collezione preferita e non essere timido; puoi sceglierne quanti ne vuoi! 

Fasci di fiction

1.037 Classici

142 libri drammatici

118 libri erotici 

485 libri di narrativa

119 Libri umoristici

125 libri dell’orrore

176 libri gialli / gialli

240 libri romanzi

467 libri di fantascienza

414 Libri di racconti

Pacchetti NON Fiction

582 libri accademici

139 Biografie

244 Libri su corpo e spirito

498 libri di lavoro

221 Libri di computer

139 libri di cucina

411 Libri di salute e fitness

527 libri religiosi

320 libri di scienza e matematica

398 Libri di auto-miglioramento

816 libri di scienze sociali

Bundle di audiolibri 

125 AudioBooks Volume 1

125 Audiolibri Volume 2

125 KIDS AudioBooks 

Goditi i nostri migliori libri oggi insieme ai nostri migliori auguri! 

I tuoi amici su

PS. Ricorda che puoi “pagare” qualunque cosa tu ritenga giusta per uno di questi pacchetti. Tutti i contributi aiutano la community, quindi non esitare a controllare le tue categorie preferite sopra. 

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Find Out How To Create An Online Business

What if you could make money just by chatting up people on Facebook? Does that sound crazy? I’m here to tell you it’s possible! In today’s episode, I’ll show you a hot method where you earn commissions just by sending Facebook messages! Stay tuned if you’re hungry and committed to making more money.

Super Affiliate System 2020 – John Crestani’s Course

Top-Selling Bizopp Product. 

Converte il traffico Cold Bizopp. Commissione del 50% su $ 997 Frontend + $ 247 / m Oto. 30% di sconto sul rialzo. Sas è un corso di 6 settimane sul traffico a pagamento per creare un business basato sul marketing di affiliazione. Imbuto webinar con conversione più elevata. 1:10 Hop: of Imp = Good. Creato da John Crestani, marketer di super affiliati che è stato presentato in Forbes, ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNBC,, Fast Company e altro.

Earning money has never been easier, and with today’s technology, you can do it right from the comfort of your home! In today’s episode, I’m going to show you how to make money using Instagram, something you might already be using! Learn how to do it easily with these tips – it’s easy, it’s effective, and it’s surely going to roll in that extra cash. Check it out!


Twitter Ads

330 million people use Twitter every month, making it one of the biggest social networks, and best ways to reach people on the internet.



This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I suggest you get the entire course for only $997 with my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The Affiliate Offer

PLACE: The Presell Page

  • Advertorial presell from clickfunnels,
  • Signup for 14day free trial
  • Click on your funnel (Dashboard > Funnels > Listicle Cold Traffic Funnel > Edit)
  • Click on all the links selling my ebook, and replace them with your own
  • Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
  • Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
  • Select domain
  • Grab link
  • Place in Google

PEOPLE: The Advertisement

  • Signup for Twitter Ads, 
  • Create Campaign > Website clicks or conversions
  • Gender > Men
  • Ages > 35+
  • Locations > (any English speaking country will do, United States, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jamaica, Bahamas, Guam, etc)
  • Languages > English
  • Audience Features > Follower Lookalikes > TonyRobbins
  • Create Tweet >
  • Text: 16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home. How to Make Money From Home in 2020. {Enter Your Website here}
  • Video to upload (for ad variations. Test all three to see what has the highest CTR and CR)
  • Check the box that says ‘Promoted Only’ > Click ‘Tweet’
  • Select the tweet.
  • Placements > Deslect ‘Twitter Audience Platform’.

Sending emails is the highest ROI form of marketing. To get started sending emails, you need to have an email list

Clik here


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I suggest you get the entire course for only $997 with my Youtube subscribers discount.


My friend John Crestani asked me to deliver this IMPORTANT message to you ((firstname)).

You’re officially invited to join us for a FREE training workshop where you’ll discover how to generate $2,500.00 per week, (Every week) online, WITHOUT experience.

>>> If this page loads, there are still spots available!!

On the FREE training workshop, John is going to reveal his 3-step, “People, Place, Product” system that has generated over 19,700,000.00 dollars online…

NO – You don’t need any marketing experience.

NO – You don’t need any tech skills.

NO – You don’t need to invest any money to get started.
NO – You don’t need to have your own audience.

NO – You don’t need an email list.

NO – You don’t even need your own product.

> > > Click here to register now for free

Even better, John is going to show you how you can get started for FREE, with “free money”. If you want to learn more, you need to register now, then show up to watch the training.

You won’t want to miss it LIVE because I asked John to put on a LIVE sales demo during this presentation.

He’ll attempt to make at least $500.00 in real-time. It’ll be interesting to see if he can do it!

Here are your workshop details:

When: THIS WEEK… A Few Times Are Available!

Where: Secure Your FREE Seat Here Clik here

Here’s another idea on how you can make some serious money with minimum effort – by hosting events. Don’t worry, you don’t need to actually set up an entire event. In today’s episode, I’ll tell you how you can make some serious bucks by hosting online events – and you’re not even required to do anything but sign up!

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Ebus VIP, Done For You Service (sistema ebay 3000 prodotti)

Have you never been involved in e-commerce because you were too afraid of the investments required?

Have you started but haven’t found success with Shopify or another of the platforms that require monthly payments? Now you have the opportunity to get involved with eBay, the platform that never competes with you, helps you advertise your products and promotes you as a beginner seller to attract more buyers! Join the eBay world with 180 million buyers and make your e-commerce dreams come true today with minimal investment, little work and almost no risk. And there is more: we will search and load the products for you. DFY’s listing process will save you HOURS and help you get sales FAST.

Clik here web

Migliaia di unità vendute ($ 2 milioni + in vendite in tutto il mondo)

Per informazioni complete:

Non sei mai stato coinvolto nell’e-commerce perché avevi troppa paura degli investimenti richiesti?

Hai iniziato ma non hai trovato successo con Shopify o un’altra delle piattaforme che richiedono pagamenti mensili? Ora hai la possibilità di essere coinvolto con eBay, la piattaforma che non compete mai con te, ti aiuta a pubblicizzare i tuoi prodotti e ti promuove come venditore principiante per attirare più acquirenti! Unisciti al mondo eBay con 180 milioni di acquirenti e realizza i tuoi sogni di e-commerce oggi con investimenti minimi, poco lavoro e quasi nessun rischio. E c’è di più: cercheremo e cariceremo i prodotti per te. Il processo di quotazione DFY ti farà risparmiare ORE e ti aiuterà a ottenere vendite VELOCEMENTE.

Questa semplice guida è un concentrato di trucchi e segreti che ti consentirà di guadagnare un mucchio di soldi sfruttando proprio Ebay.

Ti starai chiedendo se è davvero possibile guadagnare così tanto sfruttando Ebay. Beh, la risposta è SI e le tecniche e le strategie da seguire sono dettagliatamente descritte in questa guida.

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GoPro Cinematic LUT Pack


Dai ai tuoi video GoPro Hero 7 e 8 l’aspetto che meritano!
Con questo pacchetto LUT, ottieni 15 look cinematografici per riprese video su GoPro Hero 7 e 8 utilizzando il profilo Colore piatto .

Inoltre, ottieni una LUT standard, che converte il profilo di colore piatto in colori normali per una qualità rapida e naturale.

Per rendere le tue riprese GoPro ancora più cinematografiche, ho anche incluso alcuni file PNG con barre cinematografiche . Basta sovrapporli al tuo filmato e sei a posto.


Just drag the sliders to the left and right to see what which LUT makes out of the image. The left side is always the original image and the right side the lutted version. If you hover over a slider it shows the LUT name.


Just drag the sliders to the left and right to see what which LUT makes out of the image. The left side is always the original image and the right side the lutted version. If you hover over a slider it shows the LUT name.


The LUTs are carefully created to match the GoPro Hero 7 & 8 as good as possible. Under normal use cases, they shouldn’t break your footage. It’s important that you set your GoPro to the Flat color profile. If you set it to GoPro Color, the footage might be oversaturated and too contrasty!

You’ll find mostly modern high-contrast looks and some orange and teal as well. The non orange and teal LUTs are great to preserve your green tones. For the best results, I recommend using the same look for all clips in one scene of your video. That makes it look more professional instead of if every clip has different colors.



Pascal Basel

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Masterclass video cinematografico GoPro

Scopri come utilizzare la videocamera GoPro per creare video cinematografici che le persone guardano davvero!

In questo corso, ti insegno tutti i segreti e le tecniche che utilizzo nei miei video YouTube e GoPro commerciali. Quindi puoi fare lo stesso.




Learn how to use your GoPro camera to create cinematic videos that people actually watch!

In this course, I teach you all the secrets and techniques that I use in my YouTube and commercial GoPro videos. So you can do the same.


You watched dozens if not hundreds of GoPro tutorials…
You tried many things to make your GoPro videos look better…
You bought expensive accessories like ND-filters…

… but Your GoPro videos still suck? It’s time to fix it!

My GoPro videos got 800.000+ views on YouTube, I used GoPro cameras on commercial projects worth over € 15.000 and many followers ask me how I shoot my GoPro videos after seeing them. So in this GoPro masterclass I show you step by step how I get such impressive results with such a small and inexpensive camera.


I wouldn’t call it a secret. I just don’t see GoPros as action cameras.

My approach to GoPro cameras is that it’s just a very small mirrorless camera with a super-wide-angle lens. And that’s exactly how I use it. I apply all the experience that I got over 10+ years of shooting video with all kinds of cameras to GoPros. That’s what this course is all about!

In this course, I lead you from accessories (and why you don’t need many – yes save your money!) over settings and shooting cinematic GoPro videos to the final edit and color grading.

That makes it a complete course that will not only make you a better GoPro shooter, but also a better videographer in general!


I’m Pascal, a world traveler and filmmaker, originally from Germany. When I started, making videos was quite hard as quality gear was very expensive or not existent.

Today the problem is no longer the gear, but the missing of practical knowledge. So I made it my mission to teach people how to shoot cinematic videos with small and inexpensive cameras and gear.


The course consists of 7 modules that ensure you learn everything step by step.


Depending on the shots you want to get, you might need some accessories for your GoPro camera. That’s what this module is all about. It will also save you some money in case you want to get ND-filters. But more about that in the course…


I approach GoPros from a different perspective. I don’t see GoPros as action cams but more as small mirrorless cameras with a wide-angle lens. So you basically have to use the GoPro like such a camera to get cinematic results. In this module I show you how.


Time- & Hyperlapses make videos very interesting to watch. They are also a great tool for storytelling as it shows time passing by or give a great transition from one place to the other. GoPro makes it very easy for us to shoot both and in this module I show you exactly how to archive the best results.


If you’ve seen my videos (next section!), you must have noticed that I do a lot of editing work. Video editing is absolutely necessary to get cinematic results. In the course, you will learn exactly how I edit my videos, add special effects and do color grading.


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Il ricettario Keto perfetto

Il ricettario Keto perfetto –  L’unico ricettario di cui avrai mai bisogno per bruciare i grassi, tenerlo spento e vivere la tua vita più sana e più felice!

 Dispone di 20 ricette Keto-Friendly con rapporti macronutrienti perfetti per una perdita di grasso senza sforzo 

  • Ogni ricetta in questo libro utilizza solo alimenti Keto-Friendly
  • Ti mostro il rapporto esatto di macronutrienti per ogni ricetta (grassi, proteine ​​e carboidrati netti) 
  • Fornisco dati nutrizionali e dimensioni di servizio per ogni ricetta.
  • Tutte queste ricette sono state testate per semplicità. In effetti, sono così facili che un Caveman possa cucinarli …

Infatti, (per l’americano medio) se trascorri i prossimi 30 giorni mangiando solo ricette di questo libro, vedresti miglioramenti significativi praticamente in tutti gli aspetti della tua salute! 


The Only Cookbook You’ll Ever Need to Burn Fat, Keep it Off and Live Your Healthiest, Happiest LifeSimplify your life and remove all the guesswork when it comes to cooking for your new Keto Lifestyle

The Perfect Keto Cookbook is the cookbook I wish someone had sold to me when I first started my Keto journey years ago… k.i.s.s(Keep It Simple Sunshine)simple = sustainable. 

Here are the basics…Each recipe in this book uses only ingredients found on the Clovis Approved Foods ListI show you the exact Macronutrient Ratio for each recipe (Fat, Protein, and Net Carbs) I provide Nutrition Facts and Serving Sizes for each recipe.All of these recipes have been tested for simplicity. In fact, they’re so easy a Caveman could cook them…In fact, (for the Average American) if you spent the next 30 days only eating recipes from this book, you would see significant improvements in virtually all aspects of your health!

 Get Cooking Today!

*This Product is a Digital EBook Download*


why i made a cookbook…I hate cookbooks. For real. I said it, I meant it, I’m here to represent it! I’m not joking…I really hate cookbooks!
Think about it, one of the best selling book genres of all time is “cookbooks.” It’s also the genre of books that holds the world record for collecting dust on cold, dark, shelves all across America. 
“Hey, remember that amazing night when we totally nailed that Martha Stewart recipe?! You know, the one with 18 rare ingredients that we had to drive all over town to find, the ‘prep time’ that took 2 hours with 4 different mixing bowls, and the ‘cook time’ that took another 90 minutes?! Boy, that sure was fun!” – said no one ever.
Admit it. I just described the wild and whacky cooking adventures of 99% of Americans… 
So, why did I decide to create my very own cookbook?! For one simple reason… I really hate cookbooks!
I’m a firm believer that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity makes everything easier. Simplify all aspects of your life, and you will find continued, sustainable, success. The same is true of health & wellness! Especially, nutrition.
I see it all the time in clients; the sheer panic in their faces when I tell them they’re going to need to start cooking their own meals. I give them their Clovis Approved Foods List, they go grocery shopping, and 9 times out of 10 come back to me and say, “Ummm… now what?!” 
They want recipes. They’re trained to want recipes. Why? Because every “diet plan” since we stopped writing with feathers has included a cookbook to “help you get started.” But it wasn’t actually designed to help you… It was merely intended as an upsell product so they could make more money off of you by pretending that they knew a damn thing about cooking.
The truth is… cookbooks lead to failure. Trust me. I’ve seen it more times than I can count.
When you first switch to the Clovis Lifestyle, you realize that you’re going to be preparing almost 100% of your meals with your own two hands. How long do you think you will be able to sustain all that cooking if each meal takes 60-120 minutes from start to finish?! I give you 2 weeks… and that’s being generous.In my personal life, unless I am preparing a big meal for my family or guests, I tend to keep things as efficient as possible. Why? It’s easier this way! I don’t follow any recipes. I combine single ingredient, whole foods, and make meals. 
Example Meal: Scrambled eggs, sautéed kale, avocado, and a baked sweet potato if I’m feeling fancy! Salt and pepper to taste. Simple.
For my day to day life, the simpler, the better! Of course, I love to cook big elaborate meals with my loved ones just as much as the next guy! But 9 times out of 10, I’m sticking with simple. Because simple = sustainable.But simple doesn’t sell books… Until now!I’ve created The Perfect Keto Cookbook to simplify your life and remove all the guesswork when it comes to cooking for your new Clovis Lifestyle. It’s the cookbook I wish someone had sold to me when I first started my Keto journey years ago. Here are the basics…

  • ​Each recipe in this book uses only ingredients found on the Clovis Approved Foods List
  • ​I show you the exact Macronutrient Ratio for each recipe (Fat, Protein, and Net Carbs)
  • I provide Nutrition Facts and Serving Sizes for each recipe.
  • ​All of these recipes have been tested for simplicity. In fact, they’re so easy a Caveman could cook them…
  • (See what I did there? A Paleo joke… get it?… Moving on…)

In fact, (for the Average American) if you spent the next 30 days only eating recipes from this book, you would see significant improvements in virtually all aspects of your health!
Quite literally, this is the only cookbook you’ll ever need. I’m giving you 20 delicious, Keto-Friendly, Whole Food Recipes, conveniently sorted by meal times:

  • ​5 Breakfast Recipes
  • ​5 Lunch Recipes
  • 5 Dinner Recipes
  • ​5 Dessert Recipes

Of course, you and your family can have fun with this and chow down on any of these recipes at any time of day! Avocado Ice Cream for breakfast?! Egg and salmon on sweet potato toast for dinner?! Go for it! That’s the beauty of a cookbook that only contains Clovis Approved Ingredients.
Up until now, I’ve always told people that the key to simple cooking was one skillet, one pot, and single ingredient, whole foods. Turn on the heat, and combine them any way you’d like! Developing the ability to create unique meals with whole foods changes your relationship with food. It gives you the freedom to break out of the societal norm of preparing “pre-made” foods that came in a cardboard box with a 3-year shelf life. Franken-foods that are, assuredly, poisoning you and your loved ones. But I fully understand that relearning how to cook from scratch can be quite intimidating, and I want to help you overcome that obstacle!
The Perfect Keto Cookbook is my way of helping you see food in a different light. To see how powerful just a few simple ingredients can be. To learn, first hand, how delicious, and nutritious, real food truly is! To understand that you don’t need pre-made, packaged foods, with cute graphics or mascots to make your family happy.
All I ask in return is that, at least occasionally, you will take the time to prepare these recipes with your loved ones. Together. Create memories with one another through your shared cooking experiences. These are cooking traditions that can live on and impact the health and happiness of your family for generations. That is why I finally decided to create this book!
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – HippocratesBon Appetit!

*This Product is a Digital EBook Download*


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Il mal di schiena SOS

Questo antico “protocollo di cacca”
svela il segreto per annientare il mal di schiena per sempre …
in soli 90 secondi

This Ancient “Poop Protocol”
Unlocks The Secret to Annihilating Back Pain For Good…
In Just 90 Seconds


Like Joana S.:

“I didn’t think I could ever walk again like I did before the accident. Thanks to you, I CAN!”

Michaela M.:

“I was diagnosed with “untreatable” lumbar scoliosis. After only one session, I feel great. This helped me move again. Well done Virgil!”

Anisoara I.:

“Thanks Virgil, this is a miracle! I almost forgot how to smile. I thought I just needed to get used to this pain. You managed to fix my spondylosis. Thank you and I strongly recommend this.”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You restored my sleep, I can finally rest after 7 years of dreadful pain, waking up every 2 hours and having trouble falling back asleep. In the morning I was more tired than in the evening. All this after only two sessions!”

Dana D.:

Enjoy a risk-free purchase with a 60 Day Money Back

60 days money back guarantee

To put it bluntly, you can try out the crash-course for 60 days without virtually having to pay a single cent.

How does that work?

It’s simple. You sign up for the program now by clicking the button above.

You get your copy of the Back Pain SOS… you get your 4 bonuses :

  • Bonus 1: Nature’s Morphine
  • Bonus 2: Anti Inflammatory Diet
  • Bonus 3: Rise and Shine
  • Bonus 4: The Better Sleep

And you take the next 60 days to put the program to the test… Just like every soldier has to go through Hell Week before getting the honor to be a part of the Special Forces… you get to put the manual through 2 Hell Months before you decide if it’s worthy of its name or not.

Do anything you want with it… if at any time during this 60 days period you realize it’s not what you’d hoped it would be… all you’ll have to do is send an email to the support address you’ll find inside the member’s area asking for a refund.

And you’ll get your money back in less than 24 hours.

You don’t even need to give an explanation.

And no one will ask you why you chose to do that…


Question: What if I can’t do the stretches and moves?

Every move and stretch in the program is designed to work for EVERY body. Virgil gives you different modifications and options for each movement. He understands that not everyone comes into this program super flexible. Remember, this is the system that helped relieve my back pain… when it was in so much pain I could hardly walk!

Backpain Exercices

Question: Will this work equally well for men and women?

Backpain Exercices
Backpain Exercices

Absolutely. Even though men and women have slight variations in their anatomy, the basic structure is still the same. Virgil’s sequences have helped an equal amount of men and women.

Question: What if I’m over 65? Will this work for me too?

100% YES. Virgil built in modifications to this program so you wouldn’t need to worry about figuring them out yourself. His program will guide you through each and every step so you can have confidence you’re doing the right thing, at the right time .

Question: What if this doesn’t work for me?

Your trust in Virgil’s system is 100% protected. He’s so confident you’ll experience real results that he’ll personally refund 100% of your investment… for a full 60 days after your purchase.

Question: How is my personal information kept safe?

Here’s what will happen when you click the “add to cart” button. You’ll find yourself on a 100% Secure processing platform on ClickBank’s state-of-the-art payment gateway. Your personal information is electronically encrypted with the same security measures used by Amazon and the US Military. ClickBank’s platform is trusted by more than 200 million customers in more than 190 countries. What’s more, it’s rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau.

Question: What forms of payment can I use?

You may use a credit or debit card or PayPal to complete your purchase.

Question: Will there be hidden charges?

100% No. This will be a one-time secure investment… and you’ll be able to access everything I just mentioned.

Thank you so much for investing in your back health by watching this free presentation. I can’t wait to hear about your back health transformation in the days to come!


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Collagen Select Anti età

Collagen Select è un integratore pensato per le donne che ci tengono a conservare una pelle bella, tonica e sana. Il prodotto si distingue per la sua formula a 9 componenti e per il suo gusto tropicale, che sicuramente piacerà ad ogni rappresentante del gentil sesso. Un ruolo chiave, all’interno dell’integratore Collagen Select, è rivestito dal collagene idrolizzato VERISOL® che contribuisce all’elasticità della pelle e all’eliminazione delle rughe.

Collagen Select è una formula che favorisce la produzione del collagene, migliora la salute della pelle, dei capelli e delle unghie.Inoltre questo prodotto contribuisce a mantenere le mucose in perfetto stato. Collagen Select neutralizza i radicali liberi, proteggendo così le cellule e ritardando l’invecchiamento. Questo è un prodotto multi-azione che corregge le imperfezioni e dona alla pelle un aspetto sano .

Collagen Select

Scopri che cosa pensa il cosmetologo di Collagen Select

Collagen Select è il numero 1 tra i prodotti antirughe! Quando con l’età si riduce la produzione del collagene, la pelle smette di essere soda ed elastica. L’integratore alimentare Collagene Select è stato prodotto per le donne che vogliono mantenere il più a lungo possibile la loro bellezza naturale e una pelle dall’aspetto sano. Collagen Select è un prodotto multi-ingrediente dal gusto tropicale, in cui possiamo trovare fino a 9 ingredienti. Contiene peptidi attivi di collagene VERISOL brevettati® che stimolano la produzione di collagene riuscendo ad appianare le rughe e a migliorare l’elasticità della pelle.

La formula è stata arricchita con estratti di Melissa moldavica, vitamina A, vitamina C, riboflavina, niacina, biotina, zinco e rame. Tutti questi componenti insieme all’idrolizzato di collagene – Verisol® formano un complesso unico che contribuisce alla corretta produzione di collagene. Collagen Select migliora la salute della pelle, dei capelli e delle unghie, supporta il mantenimento di una corretta condizione delle mucosee protegge inoltre le cellule dagli effetti avversi dello stress ossidativo. Si tratta senza dubbio di un prodotto unico, di cui non può fare a meno chiunque voglia mantenere un aspetto giovane.

Magda Romanowska

Scopri la meravigliosa azione di Collagen Select


Elimina le rughe

Idrolizzato di collagene Verisol® riduce efficacemente la visibilità delle rughe da dentro. I Bioactive Collagen Peptides® [Peptidi di collagene bioattivi] hanno proprietà dimostrate scientificamente per stimolare la produzione di collagene, la crescita del tessuto connettivo e la sintesi dei proteoglicani.


Aumenta l’elasticità della pelle

La perdita di elasticità della pelle è la principale causa della comparsa delle rughe. Grazie a Collagen Select, la tua pelle ritrova una perfetta elasticità e resistenza giorno dopo giorno. L’integratore supporta anche la corretta produzione di collagene e aumenta il livello di elastina fino al 18%!Dona un aspetto migliore

DracoBelle™ Nu imita gli effetti benefici di un ridotto apporto calorico e dell’attività fisica regolare grazie all’attivazione di un percorso anti-age e di longevità AMPK / FOXO. Si tratta di un componente che ha dimostrato clinicamente di essere in grado di migliorare l’idratazione, l’elasticità e la densità della pelle.


Si prende cura di capelli e unghie

Il complesso di vitamine e minerali contenuti in Collagen Select si prende cura efficacemente della corretta pigmentazione di capelli e unghie. Grazie all’idrolizzato di collagene Verisol®, inoltre, le unghie smetteranno di sfaldarsi e diventeranno decisamente più forti.

Utilizzando Collagen Select
puoi ringiovanire la tua pelle

Miglioramento dei parametri della pelle
rispetto alle condizioni iniziali in %IdratazioneElasticitàDensità

Collagen Select

migliora l’aspetto della tua
pelle già dopo 2 mesi di utilizzo!


Utilizzo del Collagene Select in cifre


dei casi aumento della
produzione di collagene10%

miglioramento dell’elasticità
della pelle32%

riduzione delle rughe
intorno agli occhi18%

aumento della quantità di
elastina nella pelle

Collagen Select potenzia l’azione di creme, maschere e trattamenti di medicina estetica


Effetti dell’uso topico dei cosmetici


Effetti dell’uso di Collagen Select

Formula innovativa di Collagene Select

Collagen Select non è un normale collagene da bere. È un integratore alimentare avanzato che grazie al contenuto di fino a 9 principi attivi si prende efficacemente cura della bellezza e dell’aspetto della pelle da dentro. Provalo e liberati delle rughe!


Estratto di Melissa moldavica DracoBelle ™ Nu

Prodotto decisamente rivoluzionario tra i cosmetici anti-age, DracoBelle ™ Nu utilizza l’effetto di un ridotto apporto calorico sul rallentamento dei processi di invecchiamento nei tessuti. Nel corso di studi clinici, è stato rilevato che DracoBelle ™ Nu provoca un aumento di quattro volte dell’attività AMPK e di tre volte dell’attività della FOXO, valutata sulla base del livello di fosforilazione di entrambe le proteine. Questo fa sì che imiti i processi che si verificano nel corpo nel caso di un ridotto apporto calorico, cosicché si può godere di queste meravigliose proprietà senza dover ricorrere a una dieta speciale. Grazie a questo Collagen Select possiede quindi proprietà anti-age, è in grado di migliorare l’idratazione della pelle, nonché la sua elasticità e densità.


Idrolizzato di collagene Verisol®

Collagene di nuova generazione con maggiore digeribilità nel tratto gastrointestinale. I peptidi di collagene bioattivo sono molto più piccoli di una normale molecola di collagene, grazie a questo sono in grado di agire sull’aspetto della pelle più velocemente e in modo più efficace. Verisol® è stato confermato in 6 studi clinici. L’uso regolare consente di aumentare la produzione di collagene, migliorare l’elasticità della pelle e ridurre sensibilmente le rughe intorno agli occhi! Verisol® aiuta inoltre ad accelerare la cicatrizzazione delle ferite, migliora lo stato delle unghie evitando che si sfaldino.




Vitamina A


Acido ascorbico









Storie di persone che hanno migliorato la pelle del viso grazie a Collagen Select!


Marta, 27 anni

Collagen Select mi è stato consigliato da un’amica che ha letto delle meravigliose proprietà del collagene su Internet. All’inizio ero scettica, ma un mese e mezzo di utilizzo dell’integratore mi ha dimostrato che il collagene funziona davvero! Oltretutto, la sua azione in questo caso è potenziata dalla ricca formula dell’integratore. La mia pelle è liscia, tesa, e appare ben nutrita. Lo consiglio!


Monika, 32 anni

Collagen Select è il miglior collagene da bere che io abbia mai utilizzato prima! I risultati che si ottengono a usarlo non me li sarei neanche sognati. Non pensavo che la mia pelle potesse avere un aspetto così giovane solo bevendo un integratore. Lo consiglio con tutto il cuore a tutte le donne che tengono alla qualità!


Anna, 42 anni

Ho usato Collagen Select per due mesi e il mio viso non è mai stato così bello! Le rughe si sono appianate e sono meno visibili, la pelle è più soda e idratata. Lo consiglio se ti interessa stimolare il corpo alla sua naturale produzione di collagene. Vedrai la differenza se lo usi.


CONTROLLARE COLLAGEN SELECTsoddisfatti o rimborsati



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Scegli Thyrolin

Il migliore per la salute della tiroide

  • Favorisce il regolare funzionamento della tiroide1,2
  • Favorisce la regolare produzione degli ormoni tiroidei1
  • Diminuisce efficacemente il senso di affaticamento e stanchezza3
  • Facilita la perdita di peso, aumenta il senso di sazietà4
  • Contribuisce alla regolazione dell’attività ormonale3

Thyrolin è una scelta eccellente per le persone in cerca di un adeguato sostegno alla salute della tiroide. Contiene una composizione estremamente efficace, naturale e sicura da usare. Ordinalo adesso e goditi un migliore benessere e un minor peso! ORDINA ADESSO 

Perché la salute della tiroide è così importante?

La ghiandola tiroide è una ghiandola endocrina situata nella laringe, particolarmente importante per la sua funzione. Produce ormoni necessari per il corretto funzionamento del corpo e, se il suo lavoro viene ostacolato, si arriva ad avere:

  • problemi di peso,
  • sbalzi d’umore,
  • sonnolenza,
  • apatia,
  • rallentamento psico-motorio.

Thyrolin, grazie alla sua composizione avanzata, si prende cura efficacemente del corretto funzionamento della tiroide e della corretta produzione dei suoi ormoni. Inoltre, grazie al contenuto di fucus facilita la perdita di peso grazie alla quale puoi anche prenderti cura della tua salute e della figura. Questo integratore contiene anche una serie di altre sostanze che trattano in modo completo i disturbi più comuni nelle persone con problemi di disfunzione tiroidea.

L’azione di Thyrolin sulla tiroide

Thyrolin contiene una serie di sostanze che hanno effetti benefici sulla salute della tiroide. Il prodotto aiuta anche ad alleviare i sintomi comuni associati alle malattie della tiroide.

Gli esperti concordano sul fatto che il trattamento, la dieta e l’integrazione opportunamente selezionati sono una garanzia di successo nel trattamento efficace delle malattie della tiroide. Thyrolin garantisce l’apporto di una dose opportunamente selezionata di sostanze naturali che favoriscono efficacemente l’azione della ghiandola tiroidea e quindi la salute di tutto l’organismo. Grazie all’utilizzo del selenio Selenium Select® la possibilità di intossicazione da dosi troppo elevate di selenio, che si verificano in alcuni casi utilizzando altre forme di selenio, è stata eliminata. Selenium Select® è una forma altamente biodisponibile di selenio, che garantisce un migliore assorbimento e una completa sicurezza d’uso, confermata da studi clinici5.

L’azione di questo integratore è completata da una serie di estratti naturali, tra cui quelli di: fucus, Medicago sativa, radice di ashwagandha, zenzero e BioPerine®. Funzionano in modo adattogeno, favoriscono il funzionamento della tiroide e del sistema nervoso, aiutano a mantenere dei normali livelli di colesterolo e zucchero e aiutano a mantenere il corretto metabolismo e peso corporeo. Le vitamine ed i minerali aggiunte a questo integratore riducono efficacemente la sensazione di stanchezza, favoriscono le funzioni cognitive ed il funzionamento del sistema immunitario. Thyrolin è l’aiuto ideale per la tua ghiandola tiroidea.

Ordinalo adesso!

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L’utilizzo di Thyrolin è completamente sicuro per la salute?


Sì, l’utilizzo di Thyrolin è completamente sicuro. La formula è stata elaborata in modo da essere ben tollerata anche da persone con una elevata sensibilità. Il prodotto contiene selenio Selenium Select®, caratterizzato da un’elevata sicurezza nell’utilizzo.

Quali effetti posso aspettarmi usando Thyrolin?


La composizione dell’integratore Thyrolin contiene delle sostanze che agiscono sulla salute della tiroide, del sistema nervoso e che favoriscono la perdita di peso.

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Cappuccino MCT Perdita di peso

Cappuccino MCT

Il Cappuccino MCT è un caffè con proprietà dimagranti. Si tratta di un cosiddetto “bulletproof coffee” ossia di una bevanda con l’aggiunta di grassi sani, che consente di perdere peso, ridurre l’appetito e migliorare le funzioni cognitive. Il Cappuccino MCT è un prodotto che dona al corpo un’enorme iniezione di energia, accelerando il metabolismo e il processo di smaltimento dei grassi.

L’integratore Cappuccino MCT è stato cerato in base a 8 ingredienti, che in modo naturale fanno perdere i chili superflui. L’integratore accelera lo smaltimento delle calorie, inibisce l’accumulo dei grassi, aumenta la sensazione di sazietà e stimola all’azione.

Cappuccino MCT è un caffè che si adatta alle ultime tendenze nei trattamenti dimagranti. Il prodotto è molto popolare.

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Come funziona il Cappuccino MCT?

La combinazione di olio MCT e caffè naturale fa del cappuccino MCT il cosiddetto “bulletproof coffee” o “caffè a prova di proiettile”. La definizione non è casuale: la sinergia di questi due ingredienti produce eccellenti risultati.

L’olio MCT è un prodotto contenente acidi grassi saturi sotto forma di trigliceridi a catena media. A differenza dei loro simili a catena lunga, questi acidi hanno un effetto incredibilmente benefico sul corpo umano, favorendo tra l’altro il processo di dimagrimento. Il caffè è inoltre conosciuto per le sue straordinarie proprietà, soprattutto visto il suo contenuto di caffeina.

Proprietà benefiche dell’aromatico Cappuccino MCT:

  • Riesce a stimolare e ad aggiungere energia in maniera perfetta,
  • Agisce sui recettori della leptina, prolungando per ore la sensazione di sazietà,
  • Riduce i morsi della fame,
  • Fa bruciare più in fretta i tessuti adiposi,
  • Aumenta le prestazioni durante l’attività fisica.

Efficacia della composizione scientificamente confermata


Combinazione di estratto di alghe brune ed estratto di semi di vinacciolo. Estremamente ricco di polifenoli a catena lunga chiamati florotannini, che inibiscono l’attività di due importanti enzimi digestivi: la lipasi e l’amilasi.


Le più recenti ricerche relative a ID-alGne hanno inoltre confermato le proprietà uniche per la riduzione del tessuto adiposo nelle donne in sovrappeso.I ricercatori hanno osservato che:

  • L’uso di ID-alG riduce l’assorbimento di grasso, riducendo così la massa di tessuto adiposo, il grasso addominale e il grasso viscerale.
  • La perdita di peso corporeo è strettamente correlata alla riduzione del tessuto adiposo
  • Riduce l’assimilazione dei carboidrati
  • Mostra risultati significativi dopo appena 8 settimane di uso regolare
  • Migliora la silhouette
Riduzione sostanziale della circonferenza vita
(16 settimane)
> 25
>25 45+
Circonferenza vita (cm)– 3.0– 2.7
Circonferenza fianchi (cm)– 3.0– 2.9
Circonferenza coscia (cm)– 1.7– 1.3

Altri ingredienti:

Olej MCT

Olio MCT

  • Fa bruciare più in fretta le calorie seguendo una dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati
  • Riduce l’accumulo di grasso
  • Aumenta la sensazione di sazietà dopo i pasti
Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia

  • Aiuta a mantenere normali livelli di grasso nel sangue
  • Riduce la sensazione di fame
  • Contiene fino al 60% di HCA


  • Un prebiotico naturale che stimola lo sviluppo della microflora intestinale benefica
  • Regola la peristalsi intestinale
  • Aiuta il corretta funzionamento dell’intestino


  • Aiuta a mantenere il giusto livello di zucchero nel sangue
  • Partecipa al corretto metabolismo dei macronutrienti
  • Può ridurre l’assunzione di cibo fuori dai pasti


  • Favorisce il metabolismo dei grassi
  • Facilita la riduzione delle riserve di grasso
  • Contiene fino al 22% di caffeina


  • Migliora l’attenzione e la concentrazione
  • Riduce la fatica durante l’attività fisica
  • Aumenta le prestazioni fisiche

Perché il Cappuccino MCT è la scelta migliore?

  • IconFacilita d’uso Un modo molto semplice per prepararsi qualcosa da bere, in meno di un minuto.IconSolo ingredienti naturali.

Nel prodotto sono presenti esclusivamente ingredienti accuratamente testati clinicamente. Prodotto raccomandato dai nutrizionisti I pareri di numerosi nutrizionisti confermano l’efficacia della combinazione dell’olio MCT con il caffè.Icon

Una miscela dei
migliori caffè!

arabicaCaffè ArabicakongijskaCaffè CongoleseLa combinazione di questi due caffè è una garanzia di gusto.

Il Cappuccino MCT è un caffè che brucia i grassi!

Come si prepara

IconVersare 3 misurini completi (1 porzione) nel bicchiere

IconSciogliere in acqua

Aggiungere 150 ml di acqua calda o fredda



Mescolare energicamente per 30 secondi.



“Consiglio il Cappuccino MCT!”

Consiglio vivamente il Cappuccino MCT. Fin dai primi giorni di utilizzo ho notato una maggiore energia, grazie alla quale sono riuscito ad eseguire in maniera ancora più efficace gli esercizi per mantenermi in forma!


“Gli effetti sono incredibili!”

Il Cappuccino MCT è molto gustoso! Per me il primo in classifica tra i prodotti di questo tipo, lo consiglio. Bere regolarmente Cappuccino MCT mi ha permesso di liberarmi significativamente del tessuto adiposo intorno all’addome e alle cosce.



“Un prodotto che mi è piovuto dal cielo!”

Bere il Cappuccino MCT ti dà una dose extra di energia! Da diverse settimane è l’unico caffè che prendo. Il Cappuccino MCT è un ottimo aiuto per dimagrire e migliorare la concentrazione durante l’esecuzione delle attività quotidiane.

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Cappuccino MCT
  • Il Cappuccino MCT è un caffèche brucia i grassi!

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Total Money Magnetism

Total Money Magnetism (The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires) is a six-step system that effortlessly and automatically re-programs your brain into the brain of a millionaire. Written by world renowned hypnotherapist, multimillionaire, and celebrity success coach Dr. Steve G. Jones, this program is guaranteed to get results…

… Allowing ANYONE who uses it to experience the wealth, success and total financial freedom they’ve always wanted. Not only do you receive a manual packed with millionaire brain-building strategies and advice (including the steps to creating a passive income!), you also receive six custom-built millionaire brain hypnosis tracks recorded by Dr. Steve.

The key to a life of financial freedom and abundance is right in front of you, and I invite you to share it with your friends and subscribers!

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5 Reasons Why You Are Worthy Of Wealth

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism 

This might sound a little strange… but do you truly believe that you DESERVE wealth?

Sometimes the number one thing holding people back from manifesting wealth is that deep in their subconscious minds, they don’t really believe that they are worthy of a financially-free life.

There are many reasons why someone may feel that they aren’t worthy of being wealthy, and we’ll get to these soon.

But what you need to know right now is that believing that you aredeserving of a life of abundance is VITAL to being able to manifest all of the money and success you want.

Because attracting wealth doesn’t comes from living in fear of what you don’t want – being ‘poor’ and struggling – it comes from a place of self-love, acceptance, and belief.

So that’s why today, I want to share with you five reasons why you ARE worthy and deserving of wealth, and show you how you can break free from the false beliefs that are holding you back right now…

1. There is an abundance of money in the Universe just waiting for you to let it in.

First of all, there is no shortage of money in this world. There really isn’t.

Money is abundant, and there is plenty available for all who reach for it, including you.

Does this idea sound a little crazy to you right now?

If so, that’s OK. But it may mean that you are operating from a ‘scarcity mentality’ right now.

A scarcity mindset tells you that there is a lack of money to go around and a lack of opportunities to make money.

And when you believe that money is limited, you can start to compare yourself to others and find reasons why you ‘fall short’ – why you don’t deserve to have as much as others.

You feel anxious and helpless about your finances, and as a result you never move forward.

On the other hand is the empowering mindset of abundance.

When you train your brain to develop an abundant mindset, you will discover that there are ALWAYS new opportunities to make money, and that you deserve to have wealth just as much as everyone else.

You will be free from the fear and doubt that previously kept you stuck in a cycle of struggle, and open to a future of financial freedom.

Do you have a ‘scarcity brain’ or a ‘rich brain’?

Find out in this free personalized quiz (QUIZ HOPLINK

2. Money has no prerequisites. You are already enough.

One of the things about having a scarcity mindset is believing that you have to be a certain kind of person to be wealthy.

For example, that you need to be top-of-the-class smart, have a career in dentistry or law, be a ‘trust-fund baby’, or a workaholic that never has time for fun.  

The truth is, wealth has no ‘prerequisites’ – ANYONE can become wealthy, no matter what their background.

And whether or not you realize it yet, you have your own special strengths and talents that have the potential to bring great wealth into your life!

In fact, you may not believe it right now but I guarantee that there is an opportunity waiting for you to turn one of your passions into a source of income… you just need to recognize it.

3. You are not limited by your past.

It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past, your age, or how ‘bad’ you may have been with money… you can still manifest a future of wealth and abundance!

It happened for me. At the lowest point in my life, I was $80,000 in credit card debt, literally living in my office, and on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I just couldn’t see a way out of it.

But now, I can happily say that I am a multi, multi-millionaire, free of all debt, and every day of my life is more amazing than I ever dreamed it could be.

How did I get from that point to this point? And, how can you transform your own life in the same way?

Well, that is a story too long for this article. But if you’re interested in learning how I went from being thousands in debt to a cash millionaire in just a few years, then you can check out my story here. ( VSL HOPLINK )

4. Everyone deserves the chance to live a rich, happy life.

Does that family down the road living in that 2-storey mansion and driving late-model BMWs really deserve wealth more than you do?

No way.

You, just as much as anyone, deserve the chance to live your richest, happiest life.

So if money troubles are preventing you from living that life right now – a life where you are free to live the way you want – then it’s time to look at your relationship with money and how it is affecting the energy you are producing.

If you are feeling unhappy, frustrated, or fearful about your finances, unfortunately these emotions will be causing you to manifest only more of what you DON’T want – more doubt, more fear, and more scarcity.

In this situation, trying to manifest wealth is like trying to plant a ‘money tree’ in poisoned soil… it simply won’t grow.

But if you can cultivate a mindset of abundance and self-love, this will be the foundation from which your financial success can flourish.

5. By manifesting wealth in your own life, you can help to enrich the lives of others.

One of the great things about having money is that you can use it to help others. Giving back to help others in need and spreading the message of abundance is incredibly rewarding.

One way you can do this is by donating money or resources to charity.

I personally support a number of charities – particularly the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as my Mom died of leukemia and the American Lung Association as my Dad died of emphysema.

Another way to do this is by helping your children to develop an abundant mindset and educating them about managing money, so that they too can enjoy an abundant future.

Personally, through my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and wealth coach, I try to help as many people as I can to free their minds from barriers to wealth and experience the financial freedom they deserve.

You are worthy of wealth. You are deserving of wealth. And now, you just need to start believing it, so that you can start manifesting all of the wealth you deserve!

If you would like to learn more about cultivating an abundant, wealth-attracting mindset, I invite you to check out my Free Mini-Book, The Skill of Money Magnetism. ( DOWNLOAD LINK TO FREE REPORT HERE

Want To Learn How To Manifest Wealth Like A Millionaire?

Get Dr. Steve G. Jones’ free mini-book today and learn the six steps to train your brain to think like a millionaire.


Dr. Steve G. Jones

As a world-renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, Dr. Steve G. Jones understands the powerful relationship between the brain and money. In order for people to experience financial success, they first need to remove any barriers to wealth within their subconscious minds. Using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, Dr. Steve helps people to remove these barriers so that they can take their lives to the next level of success.


Scientifically Proven Methods To Upgrade Your Mental Programming to Effortlessly Magnetize Wealth

Remove Mental Blocks

Program New Wealth Pathways

Total Money Magnetism is jam-packed with rock solid advice that any success-driven person needs to get their hands on. The 5 fundamentals of money magnetism (Part 2) lay an invaluable foundation to financial freedom, and the 10 secret success principles of the ultra wealthy (Part 3) are proven rules all successful people live by. If you want to be wealthy, I highly recommend you read this book.Aidan BoothEntrepreneur & Author |

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Top 3 Reasons to Start Feeding Your Dog Homecooked Meals

“So what do you feed your dog?”

This is a common question that dog owners ask each other. You probably have been asked and also asked this question before. And you’d hear a lot of different answers from brands of commercial pet food, to raw diet, and homecooked meals.

So let’s talk about homecooked meals for our furry friends. With all the commercial pet foods available to us, why are many people now choosing to cook for their dogs?

Personally speaking, the reason I started looking into homecooked meals for my dog is because I got concerned about the quality of commercial dog food. I started wondering what is really inside the big bag of dry kibble I give to my furry companion every single day. And it turns out, I wasn’t alone.

So I started digging and here are some of the important things I found.

There is Loose Regulation on Commercial Pet Food

Unlike the food, we (humans) eat, there is very little government regulation when it comes to the quality of pet food. But what about the USDA, FDA, or AAFCO?

Surprisingly they do not control what pet food manufacturers put in their products. So dog owners like us would have to put our faith in the private pet food manufacturers – that they are telling us the truth and that whatever it is they have written on their labels are actually what they have put in their products. Although each state decides on pet food regulations and there are certain codes in existence for each state, these codes do not pertain to overall quality, absorbability, and digestibility of commercial pet foods.

For many dog owners, this loose regulation is concerning and for dog owners like me who have had bad experience with feeding commercial pet food to their beloved furry family member, this just won’t do.

The fact that some dog owners have reported that commercial pet food brands that have been recommended by their veterinarians have either not live up to their marketing claims or even more concerning, have caused health problems in pets, makes us doubtful of the quality of commercial pet foods. I am not saying that all commercial pet food is bad. For sure there are still good quality ones out there, but a growing number of pet owners are not that trusting of the pet food industry anymore and have decided to start learning how to make their pet’s food at home.

You Know Exactly What You’re Feeding Your Dog

When you feed homecooked meals to your dog, you know exactly what’s in their food. Unlike, commercial pet food, you’re not really sure what’s in them. Of course, reading the ingredient label would help. But here’s what I found out.

Most commercial dog food use inferior ingredients. For example, a lot of dog food brands use corn as its main source of protein. The problem here is that corn is not a complete protein source. It is a low quality source of protein. And dogs actually can have problems digesting grains. So why is it that the majority of dog food brands list a number of grains in their ingredients? Here’s what I know. Grains such as corn are cheap. So you draw your own conclusion.

Another inferior and even questionable ingredient I see in most commercial dog food brands is meat by products. What exactly is this ingredient? Meat by products are leftover parts of a slaughtered animal after the meat has been removed from the bone.  So why is it such a questionable ingredient? It can include 4D animals (Dead, Dying, Diseased or Disabled), roadkill, and even euthanized zoo and pet animals. Yes, you’re reading that right. Doubtful of this information? Then check this out.

In June 2001, Sanimal Inc, a major pet food company in Quebec vowed to no longer use dead dogs and cats in its processed pet food after pressure from concerned consumers. Here’s a very disturbing statement from then Sanimal Inc’s Vice President of Procurement – “This food is healthy and good but some people don’t like to see meat meal that contain any pets.”

Ann Martin, the author of Food Pets Die For wrote;

“Euthanized cats and dogs often end up in rendering vats along with other questionable material to make meat meal, and meat and bone meal. This can be problematic because sodium pentobarbital can withstand the heat from rendering.”

So by preparing your furry companion’s meals, you know exactly what’s in it.

You Can Avoid Exposing Your Dog to Additives and Preservatives That Can Harm Their Well Being

The vast majority of commercial dog foods even the high end ones contain chemicals, preservatives, food dyes and other additives that can actually be harmful to your dog’s health.

For example Propylene glycol, which is used as an antifreeze and has been banned on cat foods by the FDA because of its proven risk of blood toxicity is still used in dog food. Both BHA and BHT are suspected to cause cancer and have been banned in baby products in the US and have been banned in human products in many countries are still added in commercial dog food. The same is true with the chemical called ethoxyquin.

Other Benefits of Homecooked Meals

Aside from the benefits of:

  • Having control over the ingredients and their quality
  • Being able to avoid dangerous additives and preservatives
  • Being able to pick the right vegetables that will complement the particular needs of your dog
  • And getting to decide which meat sources to feed to your dog which is especially important if your dog has allergies to particular types of protein

You also would enjoy the benefit of:

  • Saving money by buying meat and veggies in bulk when they are on sale. You can prepare your dog’s homecooked meals in bulk and freeze them
  • By serving your dog a recipe of balanced meals, you’re doing a great job in nourishing your furry loved one
  • And you’re helping your dog live a happier, healthier, and longer life

My Main Concern on Homecooked Meals

Before you switch your dog to homecooked meals, you should see to it you would be doing it right. Right here means balanced. Even if you have good intentions going the homecooked meals route, if the homecooked meals you serve to your dog is unbalanced then you’d be compromising your furry companion’s health.

So how do you make sure that you get it right?

  • You can do your own research or ask your veterinarian
  • You can also get our book, Dog Food Secrets already on its 5th Edition. We’ve done the research for you and we’ve provided healthy and balanced recipes on the book as well.

Here’s to the well-being and happiness of your dog!

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cooking for dogs

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Migliori passeggini per Bambini

Besrey 7 in 1 Triciclo Passeggino per Bambini Triciclo con Maniglione Triciclo a Spinta Bicicletta con Seggiolino Reversibile 360° da 6 Mesi – 6 Anni Grigio


  • 【Multifunzione 7 in 1】- il triciclo può essere utilizzato come passeggino, girello, triciclo sterzante e triciclo normale. Il triciclo sicuro e di alta qualità è la scelta migliore come compagno all’aperto per il tuo bambino da 9 mesi a 6 anni
  • 【Off-road + ruota libera】- Rader è comodo, silenzioso, non gonfiabile e fuoristrada. Il bambino può pedalare indipendentemente dal supervisore principale del triciclo.
  • 【Sedile girevole a 360 ° + schienale regolabile】- regolazione contro la direzione di marcia o nella direzione di marcia L’ampio schienale è ben imbottito e molto profondo e regolabile all’infinito in posizione seduta e reclinabile.
  • 【Convenienza per i genitori 】-la maniglia di spinta può essere adattata ai requisiti di altezza dei genitori ed è collegata direttamente tramite un collegamento dello sterzo con il manubrio del triciclo per bambini, in modo che i genitori possano guidare il triciclo stesso
  • 【Sicurezza e 2 anni di garanzia】 -Il triciclo è certificato EN71 per la sicurezza Parte 1 e 2 e 3 / CE / 2009/48 / CE. Risolviamo i problemi post-vendita dal cuore. Non esitate a contattarci via e-mail. Offriamo un servizio personalizzato di alta qualità e caldo 24 ore al giorno .
  • clic qui

Kinderkraft Triciclo ASTON, Bicicletta, Passeggino con Maniglione, Accessori, per Bambini, 9 Mesi – 5

  • A portata della vostra vista – grazie alla Cappottini con finestra in materiale trasparente, è possibile controllare le attività del bambino senza doversi fermare durante la passeggiata
  • Sicurezza e comodità – le cinture di sicurezza a5 punti e uno spartigambe permettono di mantenere il bambino in una posizione comoda e lo proteggono dalla caduta dal passeggino
  • Con o senza barriera di protezione – La barriera con cintura È una protezione supplementare – potete sganciarla quando il vostro bambino non ne avrà bisogno
  • Soste sicure – grazie ai freni delle ruote posteriori, è possibile immobilizzare il Triciclo quando si posiziona il bambino sulla seduta o durante soste più lunghe
  • Blocco dell’azionamento – i pedali nella ruota anteriore possono azionare il Triciclo o girare senza resistenza. – è sufficiente impostare il blocco in modo desiderato.

smarTrike, Triciclo 8 in 1

 Visualizza altri dettagli prodotto

  • This 8 in 1 Folding Trike 700 Series is designed for babies from 6 months of age and it grows along
  • It is designed for easy folding and compact storage
  • This unique SmarTrike features telescopic soft touch parent handle for easy manoeuvres like a strol
  • Stage 1: Compactly folded trike that opens easily it takes up 85% less volume when folded Stage 2:
  • Stage 5: At 18 months remove canopy as your baby grows.

Fascol 4 in 1 Triciclo Passeggino Bambini Trike Bicicletta Pieghevole per Bambini 6 Mesi a 5 Anni, Blu

  • Fascol triciclo ha caratteristiche uniche che lo rendono facile da trasportare. Possiede certificazione europea CE, certificazione americana ASTMF
  • Le ruote in titanio di alta qualità, silenzionsa e resistente all’usura sono le caratteristiche principali, adatte a diverse condizioni stradali, comode cinture di sicurezza e comfort dello schienale, fa un piacevole esperienza di guida
  • Asta di spinta e schienale regolabili, la madre può controllare la direzione del triciclo attraverso l’asta di spinta. I sedili possono essere ruotati di 360 gradi e spostati avanti e indietro per promuovere l’interazione genitore-figlio tra bambini e madri
  • Il triciclo ha un cesto posteriore che può contenere giocattoli per bambini, e c’è una tenda per proteggere il bambino dalla luce del sole
  • Triciclo evolutivo possono essere utilizzati per soddisfare le nuove esigenze dei neonati di età diverse rimuovendo alcuni accessori. Il bambino può essere usato come passeggino a 6 mesi e la funzione del triciclo può iniziare da 12 mesi. Questo prodotto può accompagnare il bambino fino a 5 anni
Kinderkraft Triciclo AVEO, Bici, Passeggino con Maniglione, Pieghevole, Accessori, per Bambini, 9 Mesi - 5 Anni, Rosa

Kinderkraft Triciclo AVEO, Bici, Passeggino con Maniglione, Pieghevole, Accessori, per Bambini, 9 Mesi 

Deuba triciclo per bambini Passeggino co nmaniglione capottina parasole pieghevole rosa
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Addestramento Del Cane.

Addestramento del cane di Nicola Ruggero è un libro completo di oltre 200 pagine, un vero manuale oggi anche in versione eBook in formato .pdf di 240 pagine. E’ una utilissima guida, un manuale completo e facile per l’addestramento dei cani. Essendo in formato .pdf , può essere letto e scaricato su qualsiasi computer e sistema operativo, nel caso lo si desideri si può stampare una sola copia per uso personale o eventualmente, acquistare su Amazon in versione cartacea (libro tradizionale che verrà spedito) senza però avere, nel caso di acquisto su Amazon, il report in omaggio e le risposte, che sono solo per i clienti della versione digitale in vendita su questo sito web.

Se hai appena preso un cucciolo o vorresti prenderlo, questo libro fa al caso tuo. Se hai già un cane, questo libro in formato digitale può aiutarti a migliorare significativamente la tua conoscenza sull’addestramento dei cani e quindi la relazione con il tuo amico a quattro zampe. Avere un cane è una cosa meravigliosa ma comporta tanto impegno, sacrificio e  responsabilità. È altresì vero che, con tutta probabilità, un cane educato ti restituirà tutta l’attenzione spesa con gli interessi in termini di compagnia, magica intesa, divertimento, amicizia e amore.

Chi è il capo Branco?

Argometi trattati

  • La psicologia del cane e i suoi antichi istinti.
  • Origine dei comportamenti del cane.

Chi è il capobranco? di Nicola Ruggero è uno special report che ha avuto molto successo. In questo report vengono svelati aspetti molto interessanti della psicologia canina e del comportamento del cane, è una tappa essenziale per capire in profondità la natura profonda del cane e i suoi istinti ancestrali e quindi avere tutti gli strumenti per poi comunicare con lui in modo efficace ed intelligente. E’ un eBook in formato .Pdf, può essere letto e scaricato su qualsiasi computer e sistema operativo. Clica qui sotto per vesitare sito

Ecco cosa dice chi ha acquistato i miei libri.

“Ciao ….io ho usato i tuoi consigli x addestrare i miei cani da expo ed ha funzionato!!! Sono riuscita a farli concentrare su di me quando siamo davanti al giudice!!! Anche i miei amici si dono stupiti!! Non ho foto di me con i cani perché io in foto vengo veramente male ma ti mando una foto di qualche mio cane e ti do, se lo desideri, il permesso di pubblicarle dove vuoi!!! Ciao!“Angela

Ciao Nicola, il tuo libro è stato di grande aiuto ed ho imparato a “sbagliare” di meno con Jack. Mi hai reso consapevole di molti errori che io padrona facevo.. ora so cosa devo fare e come mi devo comportare! Grazie mille davvero. Il mio commento può essere utile ad illuminare molti padroni quindi se vuoi pubblicalo pure!
ps: Jack mi ha detto di dirti GRAZIE….da seduto….wow!!
Ciao LauraLaura S.

“Questo Report è eccezionale, breve e coinciso, ho scoperto cose che non avrei mai immaginato da solo, lo consiglio vivamente a tutti gli appassionati di cani.”Cristian Rimondi

“Ciao Nicola,ho letto il libro e per uno come me che non aveva mai avuto un cane è stato molto ma molto interessante. Infatti ho imparato tante cose e il rapporto con il mio jack è migliorato tantissimo. Consiglio a tutti di comprare questi e book,non ne rimarrete delusi. Complimenti davvero.”

Non posso garantirlo, per legge e per ovvie ragioni, ma sono personalmente convinto che una volta letti i miei 2 e-book sull’addestramento e l’educazione dei cani:

  • Il tuo cane ti rispetterà, amerà, seguirà e ascolterà sempre.
  • Sarà facile ottenere l’obbedienza di base e anche qualche comando avanzato essendo essi spiegati passo a passo.
  • Quando chiamerai il cane lui verrà da te al primo colpo senza bisogno di ripetere l’ordine.
  • Ti stupirai molto di quanto sia efficace capire la psicologia del cane e la motivazione base dei suoi comportamenti.
  • Ti stupirai molto anche di quanto sia facile fare errori “in buona fede” che rovinano un comando per sempre.
  • Sarai soddisfatto di aver fatto un acquisto così utile, economico, e che fa bene a te e al tuo cane. Uno dei megliori libri…compri…

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Your dog is moaning.

Does your dog whine or cry when you leave the house?

Are your neighbours getting sick of your barking pooch?

Have you come home to find possessions destroyed or chewed?

Has your dog shown signs of aggression?

If any of the above are true of your best friend, your dog could be suffering with anxiety and is distressed.

Around 30% of dogs will suffer with separation anxiety, and it can be as traumatic for owners as it is for our furry friends.

You have probably seen all of the signs: barking, whining, crying, having accidents indoors, destroying your possessions – all of these are symptoms of anxiety in your dog.

If you, like me, find it heartbreaking to see your dog feeling scared and anxious whenever you leave, you need to continue reading. Hearing your dog crying can be a stressful time for both you and your dog, and if you come home to find your house in disarray or accidents on the floor – the experience can be a costly one.

Many dogs will display destructive behaviour when suffering with separation anxiety. Usually they will chose something that has your scent on it, and they will rip it to shreds and sit amongst the debris to surround themselves in your scent.

Does this look and sound familiar? And did you know this sound can go on for hours? If your dog reacts like this when you leave the house – keep reading.

There are many different reasons for separation anxiety in dogs. 40% of senior dogs will suffer, but separation anxiety can become apparent in many different ages and breeds of dogs. Many cases of separation anxiety are reported in dogs who have faced major changes in their lives. These can include:

– Dogs who have been rehomed
– Dogs who have suffered abuse (rescue dogs are particularly vulnerable)
– Dogs who have been taken from their mother too early
– Dogs who lose a loved one
– be it human or another animal
– Dogs who have missed out on social interaction with other dogs
– Dogs who are getting used to living in a new environment.
ATTENTION! Is your home life being affected by barking whining , crying or destructive behaviour from your dog, you need to read this.
Does your dog whine or cry when you leave the house?
Are your neighbours getting sick of your barking pooch?
Have you come home to find possessions destroyed or chewed?
Has your dog shown signs of aggression?

If any of the above are true of your best friend, your dog could be suffering with anxiety and is distressed.

Around 30% of dogs will suffer with separation anxiety, and it can be as traumatic for owners as it is for our furry friends.

You have probably seen all of the signs: barking, whining, crying, having accidents indoors, destroying your possessions – all of these are symptoms of anxiety in your dog.

If you, like me, find it heartbreaking to see your dog feeling scared and anxious whenever you leave, you need to continue reading. Hearing your dog crying can be a stressful time for both you and your dog, and if you come home to find your house in disarray or accidents on the floor – the experience can be a costly one.

Many dogs will display destructive behaviour when suffering with separation anxiety. Usually they will chose something that has your scent on it, and they will rip it to shreds and sit amongst the debris to surround themselves in your scent.

Does this look and sound familiar? And did you know this sound can go on for hours? If your dog reacts like this when you leave the house – keep reading.

There are many different reasons for separation anxiety in dogs. 40% of senior dogs will suffer, but separation anxiety can become apparent in many different ages and breeds of dogs. Many cases of separation anxiety are reported in dogs who have faced major changes in their lives. These can include:

– Dogs who have been rehomed
– Dogs who have suffered abuse (rescue dogs are particularly vulnerable)
– Dogs who have been taken from their mother too early
– Dogs who lose a loved one
– be it human or another animal
– Dogs who have missed out on social interaction with other dogs
– Dogs who are getting used to living in a new environment

There can even be simple things that we wouldn’t imagine to be stressful enough to trigger these anxiety behaviours, such as a vet visit, or time at a kennel away from home.

When you are away from the house and leave your dog alone, your dog should be relaxed, spend most of their day sleeping or chewing on toys you have left out for them. They will bark only every so often, and whining and crying shouldn’t usually happen.

-Barking, whining and crying
-Pacing – checking the house for you and refusing to rest
-An increase in heart rate -Panting and salivating
-Trying to follow you as you leave, scratching at doors and carpets
-Excessive drinking -Destructive behaviour
-Overprotective barking or growling when someone comes near you
-Overexcited behaviour including jumping and barking on your return

In more serious cases of separation anxiety, your dog may accidentally urinate and defecate in your home, or can cause themselves harm jumping at things and knocking things over – and you will come home to a house resembling a bomb site.

Does your pet have any of the above symptoms? If so – please keep reading…

We all love the idea of having the ‘perfect’ dog, well trained, obedient, calm and quiet. Ideally, we would like our dog to be:
– Quiet, with no whimpering, barking or howling
– Loving, to everyone who enters your home
– Calm behaviour, playing with their own toys rather than ripping up your possessions
– No jumping up at people
Sound like the actions you want your dog to take? We can help, WITHOUT the use of medication.

The only method to cure separation anxiety long term with no health risks is behaviour modification, and we provide the soundtrack.
Dog Music specialises in music designed for any breed of dog at any age. The music is created for dogs who have anxiety problems or who are alone a lot and uses the power of music to calm and relax your pet. It is perfect for those occasions which bring fireworks potentially scaring your pup, or for a dog who suffers with separation anxiety.

If you don’t believe us, take a look at this video of Sterling, a Scottish Terrier puppy – who instantly relaxes and falls asleep when his owners start playing his music.

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Cybex Silver Pallas-Fix Seggiolino Auto 2 in 1 per Bambini

Cybex Silver Pallas-Fix Seggiolino Auto 2 in 1 per Bambini, Gruppo 1/2/3/9-36 kg, dai 9 Mesi ca. ai 12 Anni ca., senza ISOFIX, Nero (Pure Black)

Nome stile: Con Isofix

  • Seggiolino auto di qualità stabile e durevole, per bambini dai 9 mesi ai 12 anni ca. (9-36 kg), adatto per auto con e senza ISOFIX
  • Sicurezza: cuscino di sicurezza ad ampiezza regolabile, poggiatesta reclinabile in 3 posizioni, protezione dagli impatti laterali integrata (Sistema L.S.P.)
  • Poggiatesta regolabile in altezza in 11 posizioni, reclinabile con una sola mano, facilmente trasformabile nel seggiolino auto Solution X-Fix per bambini dai 3 anni (Gruppo 2/3) rimuovendo il cuscino di sicurezza e la base, schienale reclinabile
  • Facile da fissare al sedile dell’auto con la cintura di sicurezza e opzionalmente con il sistema ISOFIX per una maggiore stabilità, rivestimento sfoderabile e lavabile in lavatrice (30°C), accessori disponibili: rivestimento estivo
  • Contenuto: 1 seggiolino auto Pallas-Fix con sistema ISOFIX Connect, Incl. guide ISOFIX, materiale rivestimento: 100% Poliestere, dimensioni (LxPxA): 43,5 x 47 x 71,5 cm, peso: 11 kg, colore: Pure Black.

Sicurezza su misura

Seggiolino auto 2 in 1 per bambini da 9 mesi a 12 anni circa

Pallas-fix si adatta a ogni situazione: questo seggiolino 2 in 1 cresce con il bambino dai 9 mesi ai 12 anni di vita. Per i bambini di età superiore ai 3 anni può essere trasformato in pochi semplici passaggi in un seggiolino della serie Solution, appartenente al gruppo 2/3. Facile da installare e rimuovere, può essere trasportato altrettanto agevolmente. Il cuscino di sicurezza ottimizzato, regolabile con una sola mano, riduce il rischio di gravi lesioni al collo senza opprimere il bambino.

  • fai clik link seggiolino gui !!!!

Per maggiori informazioni fai clik qui==

La dimenticanza causata da stanchezza o stress si trasforma davvero in tragedia: ogni anno le cronache raccontano casi di bimbi che, lasciati chiusi in auto sotto il sole da mamma o papà, muoiono soffocati.

Bambini dimenticati in auto. I dispositivi che possono salvare la vita…..

Recensito in Italia il 3 maggio 2018

Colore: Blu (Blue Moon)Stile: Con Isofix Acquisto verificato

A mio avviso questo seggiolino è il massimo della sicurezza in Auto grazie alla protezione che si interpone tra il bambino/a e la cintura di sicurezza. All’inizio dubitavo di come potesse sentirsi comodo il bambino, fino a quando non l’ho montato e mia figlia ci si è accomodata. Grazie alle regolazioni possibili possiamo trasportare bambini compresi nelle fasce 1-2-3 in totale sicurezza e comodità senza tralasciare la facilità del montaggio/smontaggio in caso di necessità. Le imbottiture sono davvero ben rifinite e morbide. NON è possibile l’inclinazione dello schienale, ma a mio avviso non risulta scomodo affrontare anche lunghi viaggi per i bambini. ( esperienza vissuta in prima persona Roma, Gioa Tauro).
Badate bene al prezzo che varia moltissimo in base alle colorazioni disponibili e al periodo dell’offerta.

Un Saluto da kreedAQ.

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"Discover The Deadly Secret The Dog Food Industry Is Spending Millions To Make Sure You Never Find Out"

Un cane sano è un cane felice

4 Things That You Should Do For Your Dog’s Health.

When it comes to our pets, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep them happy and healthy. It’s only natural that you want to take care of your dog so he’ll be by your side for years. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to care for your dog, but I’m going to share these important things that you should do for your dog’s health.

It’s a dog’s life and as a pet owner, you want to make sure that life is as long, happy, and healthy as possible.

1. Dental Health – This may be the single most important but overlooked health routinefor your dog caring for his teeth! Oral health is more than just gum disease.

It’s a fact. Most dog owners never take a good look inside their dog’s mouth. And that’s unfortunate because it is estimated that over 80 percent have significant oral pathology. Regular dental exams will reveal other significant oral health problems such as fractured teeth, oral cancer, and tooth decay. These are best treated when addressed as early as possible.

Here are the tips to keep your dog’s teeth clean and his gums healthy:

  • Start Young. Don’t wait until your pet is older and their mouth is diseased and painful to start with helpful home care routines.
  • Go Slow. When starting to brush the teeth, initially include the front teeth only, then over time work to including the rest of the mouth. Make sure you are getting to the gum line with a soft-bristled brush on both the top and bottom.
  • Be consistent. Ideally, you should be brushing your dog’s teeth once daily!
  • Make it positive and fun. Follow brushing with praise, treats, or meal time to give a reward for behaving during brushing.

Dental care can be a hassle for humans and dogs, but proper maintenance can be a money saver in the long run and even a lifesaver. Letting it go can lead to costly and often painful vet visits down the road. Many dogs have to be given anesthesia to have their teeth and gums cleaned if the buildup is bad enough. Keep your dog’s mouth clean though, and you’ll both be smiling!

2. Controlling Fleas – It’s surprising, considering how easily preventable fleas are as easy as giving your dog a chewy tablet or squirting liquid on his scruff yet many pet parents opt to skip this important treatment. Many pet parents mistakenly think there is a “flea season,” but that depends on where you live your dog needs flea preventatives year-round if you live in warm, humid climates.

If people are trying to avoid putting chemicals on their pet, I recommend essential-oil based products are the first line of defense,

3. Properly Grooming Your Pet – proper grooming is essential to keeping your dog healthy. Grooming needs can vary greatly depending on the breed of dog and even individual pets. Depending on the dog’s specific type of hair coat and environment, dogs may require bathing and clipping more frequently than others, many long-haired dogs are much more comfortable in the summer months with a haircut/grooming clip. Bath your dog once or twice month, depending on how dirty your dog gets and if they have skin issues. Don’t be afraid to wash your dog often! Dogs need a bath at least once a month.

If grooming needs are neglected, this can lead to many problems, such as:

  • Matted hair, which is painful to the skin
  • Eye infections from overgrown facial hair traumatizing the eyes
  • Ear infections
  • Skin infections

Foxtails or other foreign bodies becoming trapped and penetrating the skin

4. A high-quality food – A nutritious, balanced diet is essential to keeping your dog healthy. A high-quality food can extend your dog’s life or help save him from debilitating diseases.When suppertime rolls around, there’s nothing like a healthy home-cooked meal. This is true not only for the human members of your family, but for your dog as well. Cooking for your canine companion has many benefits, including fewer preservatives and additives, more varied and potentially better ingredients and, of course, more interest for the canine palate.

Benefits of Homemade pet food:

  • You have complete control over the ingredient list and the ability to eliminate all additives and preservatives
  • You can pick just the right veggies for your pet’s particular needs, including those with higher antioxidant or medicinal properties, for example
  • You can decide which meat sources to feed your pet, which is especially important if you have a dog with an allergy to certain types of protein
  • Fulfilling your dog’s or cat’s vibrant, living food requirement
  • Providing nutrient balanced, species-appropriate food that is rich in omega fatty acids and contains vitamin-mineral supplements in the correct proportions

Another benefit of switching to homemade is you can save money by buying large quantities of meats and vegetables when they are on sale. You can prepare, package and freeze your homemade pet meals weeks or even months ahead of time.

Pet parents will do most anything to make sure their little paw babies stay healthy. These 4 things of health help your dog live with more optimal health.

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See you soon on my blog.

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ZCodeSystem Featured Games

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ZCode™ Scores Predictor
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As a bonus, we are also giving you a celebrity tattoo package. Get the same tattoo like your favorite celebrities! You can get tattoo templates of celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, David Beckam, Lindsay Lohan and much more.

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Included with your membership are several informative ebooks which include Getting the Perfect Tattoo, Your First Tattoo, Tattoo Frequently Asked Questions, The Do’s and Don’ts of tattoo and many more.

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Update: 3 Day sale! Promo ends on March 3, 2020

For a very limited time only, we are offering a 7-Day Trial to our Premium Membership for only $27 $1!

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If you love, you can continue your monthly membership and receive updates and unlimited support for just $27.

With our 60-day no questions asked money back guarantee you have nothing to lose! So what are you waiting for? Join now and find your dream tattoo minutes from now!

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How it Works

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"The Fastest and Easiest Way to Find Your Dream Tattoo!"
How it Works

Find Your Dream Tattoo
Print it
Bring it to Your Favorite Artist

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The Handcrafter's Companion

You Too Can Learn The ‘Secrets’ Professional Spa Owners Use To Create Luscious Bath Bombs, Soothing Creams and Aromatic Fragrance Products.

The Handcrafter’s Companion is your comprehensive, step-by-step guide to creating your own spa-quality products, for fun and profit!

From pampering bath treatments, to rich, soothing creams and butters and aromatic home fragrance products — The Handcrafter’s Companion is a priceless reference collection of product recipes designed to create a relaxing spa atmosphere in your own home.

Don’t you agree that the hurried, stressful pace of your daily life often makes it difficult to find ways to relax? Like many people, you seek to create a restful retreat in your home — one in which you can relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

The spa industry is the fourth largest leisure industry in the United States, and continues to be highlighted in movies, television, articles and advertising. All of these factors have combined to make the spa experience more mainstream — and growing numbers of consumers are looking to add the spa experience to their everyday lives.

If you are looking to capture your slice of the lucrative spa market,
you will need a firm foundation of products to build your line — soothing bath
salts, exfoliating body scrubs, moisturizing body lotions and balms —
just to name a few…

If you want to save money by learning how to make your ownvrecipes, suppliers and step-by-step instructions to get you started quickly and easily…

Or if you want fresh ideas for this fun and creative hobby,and potions you’ll find them in The Handcrafter’s Companion. This handy reference collection of product recipes, references and ideas has been lovingly compiled over several years by fellow spa product enthusiasts — you won’t find this information anywhere else on the Internet!

Discover how to make soap and create your own pampering bath and body products and transform your home into your own luxurious spa oasis!

The Handcrafter’s Companion Contains More Than 126 Step-By-Step Product Recipes (Plus Many Other Professional ‘Secrets’)

Inside the pages of The Handcrafter’s Companion you’ll discover an incredible collection of more than 126 spa product recipes that you can use “as is” or easily adapt to your own needs!

Change the essential oils, add fragrant herbs or other ingredients, or use as provided.

It’s entirely up to you — the possibilities are limited only by your imagination!

How to make homemade soap, bath salts and body butter with easy recipes

This unprecedented collection contains extensive product formulations, plus invaluable resources, information and advice on branding, packaging, marketing and more!

Within the pages of The Handcrafter’s Companion, you’ll discover a wide assortment of spa product recipes, as well as additional resources including our handy conversion calculators, packaging templates, a “cheat sheet” of commonly-used potpourri botanicals and marketing ideas.You’ll find recipes for:

  • Handcrafted Soap Making – how to make soap from classic recipes to deliciously different versions that you, your family and friends will adore!
  • Bath Teas, Additives & Soaks – sink into a hot, fragrant bath and soak away all your cares with these original ‘secret’ recipes.
  • Spa Treatments – professional-quality treatments that you create yourself for pennies on the dollar.
  • Bubble Baths & Bath Bombs – if bubbles are your thing, you’ll adore these new variations.
  • Butters, Balms, Lotions & Creams – Body butter recipes to add deep moisture to your skin and luxury to your life!
  • Scrubs, Polishes, Salts & Masques – how to make bath salts and still more variations to add variety and build your line (and make your skin glow!)
  • Home Fragrance Products – beautiful fragrance ideas you can adapt to suit your tastes and mood.
  • Potpourri and Sachets – including a comprehensive ingredient list that you can simply “mix and match” to create a virtually unlimited number of flavors.
  • Aromatherapy Blends – soothing… relaxing… invigorating… revitalizing… you decide – with your own range of professional aromatherapy blends.

As you can see, The Handcrafter’s Companion is a comprehensive “desk reference” with more than enough ideas and possibilities to keep you occupied for years!

Sure, you can find soap and spa product recipes for “free” on the Internet, but you’ll NEVER find anything like this rich collection of hand-picked recipes and original ideas that has taken years of experience and dozens of hours to compile and edit.

how to make soap

Click here to download your copy of The Handcrafter’s Companion nowAnd just in case these 126 detailed recipes and ingredient lists aren’t enough…The Handcrafter’s Companion Also Comes With A Teasure-Trove Of Bonus Resources And Reference Materials

  • Tips & Tools for Getting Started – a “quick start” guide for the complete beginner
  • Keeping Your Work Area Clean and Sanitized – detailed instructions for keeping impurities out of your workspace and products.
  • Cautionary measures when working with spa product ingredients – this vital information will help keep you and your loved ones safe from certain common ingredients that can be dangerous if consumed or handled improperly.
  • How to Label Your Products Properly to comply with both FDA regulations and the expectations of your customers.
  • Creating Your Total Brand Image – branding is one of your biggest opportunities to create a unique identity for your products — you get vital tips on what to do… plus common “Branding Blunders” you must avoid at all costs!
  • Picking a Color Scheme – every color has a very specific effect on the emotions – this easy explanation makes it simple for you to choose the right color scheme to reflect your brand image.
  • How to Make Packaging Work for You – how to source spa product packaging that looks professional and doesn’t cost the earth!
  • Calculating your costs for maximum profitability – if you’re creating products for sale, the wrong pricing can sink you before you know it. I show you how to calculate your costs and set prices that allow you to turn a profit and grow your income.
  • 22 Low Cost & No Cost Promotional Ideas for promoting your products on a shoestring budget while you get established.
  • Source and Supply Lists — my “Rolodex” of industry suppliers, including exactly where to source raw materials, packaging, labeling and other essential materials…

“I made products for friends…they loved them!”

I have really enjoyed the ebook that I purchased from you. I immediately printed it out and placed it in a binder for easy access to make those fantastic products.

I also am very pleased with the bonus ebook for lip gloss recipes. It was a great investment and thank you for the additional information that you included that is very helpful. I made some of the products for some friends and they loved them. Thanks again.

how to make bath salts


 Bernice – Athlanta, Georgia

“Making my own products is a success”

Thank you for all the information, recipes and resources you have made available. They have given me hundreds of ideas. With well written directions and the availability of products making my own products is a success. I also learnt how to make body butter and got some bath salts ingredients too!

bath salts ingredients


Debra – Anchorage, AK

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Let’s Make It Even Easier For You To Try The Handcrafter’s Companion Today

Bonus Resources Guide (Value $19)

You won’t need to waste time searching out the best sources for raw materials, packaging, or other supplies This comprehensive Bonus Resource Guide will save you countless hours of time and research — leaving you more time to CREATE!Free

The Lip Balm and Lip Gloss Handbook (Value $19)

The fantastic Lip Balm & Lip Gloss Handbook includes 29 formulations to keep your lips soft, supple and completely kissable! This Handbook is YOURS FREE with your Handcrafter’s Companion purchase.Free

Special Reports: Making Basic Potpourri and Lovely Potpourri Recipes (Value $23)

Even if you’re total beginner, these Special Reports will have you making colorful, fragrant potpourri creations before you know it! Making Basic Potpourri will get you up and running with the basic techniques and Lovely Potpourri Recipes will help you create endless variations.

I know you’ll enjoy The Handcrafter’s Companion and have a lot of fun creating your own spa-quality products for fun or profit. Gain instant access today to get started.

To your success!


Jane Church
Spa Product Queen

P.S. After you download this invaluable desk reference, you could be making your own fresh creations in as little as a few hours (or if you have to order in some ingredients, a few days).

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Post in evidenza

Online Model Railroad Club Membership

dcc model railroad

“Here’s How To Quickly & Easily Solve Problems, Avoid Costly DCC Mistakes … And Master DCC Techniques Like An Expert…”

buy these dcc books for sale

With DCC you can have truly realistic operation without complex wiring. Your loco’s can run more smoothly, start easier, and operate at more prototypical top speeds with more pulling power. Truth is; your can easily program your loco’s to perform better than they ever did under the old DC system.

Tiny decoders can give you complete control over the loco speed, direction, lights and sounds. With just the press of a button you can operate your locomotives, the points and all your accessories with amazing effect.

Easy To Understand, Easy To Use… Clever Tips, Tricks & Techniques … To Save You Time, Money, And Frustration … Getting Started On Your DCC Model Railroad

DCC works with almost ANY scale or gauge: HO, OO, N, Z, S, TT, O, G… and, despite what you might have heard about converting your layout to DCC operation – you won’t have to lose anything, or change everything.

dcc model diagrams

Your DCC model railroad can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

You don’t even need to convert your whole layout at once. Just choose which loco’s you want to fit with a decoder, and they’ll still run using DC control. When you’re ready to GO DIGITAL, you simply disconnect the old DC unit, and (using the same wires), reconnect your new DCC controller. It’s really easy!

However, that said; there are things you need to know to avoid costly mistakes and have your DCC model train layout up and running “trouble-free” with minimum effort.

That’s where this “DCC Model Trains Handbook” can really come in handy.

dcc assistance

This ebook shows you step-by-step how DCC works, and how to have your DCC model train layout performing to perfection in no time at all. It’ll guide you through the process in an easy way, so you can avoid the problems other experience. You’ll be ready to operate your trains smoothly at amazingly realistic speeds, with all the lights, sounds and actions you could imagine.

You can have it at your fingertips within 5 minutes … so you’ve got no waiting… and no shipping to pay.

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dcc books for the model railroader
dcc handbook cover

The DCC Model Trains Handbook will guide you step-by-step to have your DCC model railroad running to perfection in no time at all. Keep the handbook (e-book) by your layout, so it’s close-by if you ever have any problems you want to solve about: decoders and packets, power districts, auto-reverse, consisting, programming, function key mapping and more. Packed with useful tips and ideas.

22 DCC Dos and Don’ts

This DCC Handbook even includes 22 questions and answers supplied by others in the hobby, as they explain their secret tips and how they overcame the kinds of problems you’ll experience too. “A must have!”

dcc help ebook cover

You’ll also get to keep a companion ebook – “Model Railroad DCC Help”. This ebook covers ALL the DCC basics, and answers ALL the questions you’re likely to ask about DCC model trains and railroading.

This supporting ebook, is a handy reference guide to keep in your train room alongside your layout. As an example, here are just some of the questions answered in this DCC Help ebook:

  • What are the Different “Power Districts” on a DCC Train Model System?
  • Can a DCC and DC train operate at the same time on the same layout?
  • How Much Power Is Needed To Run A DCC System?
  • Should I modify the points for use in a DCC system?
  • What Type of Wiring is needed for a DCC Layout?
  • How Can I Wire a DCC Layout?
  • Can DCC be run through a Computer? Is it Necessary?
  • How Can I Solder the Bus Wires and the Track?
  • How do I Deal With Reverse Loop in DCC?
  • Do the Trains need to be upgraded to Use with DCC?
  • And Many More Answers!

These are just some of the questions you’ll get answered in the supporting “DCC HELP” ebook.

dcc track wiring book

DCC Wiring – KEEP IT SIMPLE covers everything you need to know about wiring from the ground up. It includes easy to follow wiring diagrams,wiring for reverse loops, how to program track, turnout control, using free software to control your layout and where to get it, controlling trains with computer technology and more.

You’ll also get the 7 Rules to help you avoid the BIGGEST cause of electrical problems. After reading this e-book you’ll realize DCC wiring isn’t hard. In most ways it’s much the same as DC wiring.

If you have reversing loops or wyes on your layout, you’ll need to pay some extra attention to be sure that the electrified frog issue is addressed… but don’t worry, that’s all explained step-by-step.

model railroad trouble shooting book

It’s only a matter of time before something stops working, and you’ll face the decision.Do I fix it? Do I replace it?

What the F#&!!X*?! ;is WRONG with it?

Model Railroad Trouble Shooting will help make your DCC layout a pleasure to construct and operate without ripping your hair out just trying to locate, or fix annoying or constant problems. This e-book is easy to read and will prove a valuable reference when something does actually go wrong. Secure your copy now!

You may be concerned that these excellent DCC resources will cost you the earth… However, you won’t need to worry about that. I’ve always had a policy of supplying value for money and that’s exactly what I’m offering you here. I’ve had others say I should be charging $150, $200 or more for the valuable information in these ebooks.

Truth is; I’m not charging $200, or even $150 for the useful tips and ideas you’ll get here… even though they are likely to save you thousands over the lifetime of your model railroad. These 4 e-books are available separately for $67, or you can grab the special discount offer below.

In fact; if you’re decisive and act now, you could grab ALL 4 – the “DCC Handbook”, “DCC Help”, “DCC Wiring”, and “Model Railroad Trouble Shooting” for a ridiculously low price of $67 just $37.

scenery building for model trains


In this e-book you’ll learn the details for building a layout, including choosing the best track plan for your space, building low-relief and below track-level scenery, and really low-cost industries to make. There’s even 2 tutorials walking you step – by – step through the construction of a small railroad.

Now… I’m the first to concede, this informative ebook won’t detail totally everything. Truthfully; it would take literally thousands of pages of detail every aspect of this fascinating topic, but this ebook condenses the most useful ideas into 109 pages of useful help.

techniques model railroader


This e-book covers various aspects of this wonderful hobby of model railroading. Obviously to cover everything would fill a whole library, so instead we’ll look at some topics within the hobby that people have a particular interest in and want answers to.

I get dozens of letters and emails every week so I have compiled this e-book with many of the topics and questions in mind…. a wide range of tips from soldering and LED lighting, through to solving derailments and coping with S curves… and much, much more!

modular railway layout plans


This “Confessions of a Mobile Layout Builder” manual gives the ins and outs of constructing a portable train layout. It looks at track design options, construction methods, operation and expansion possibilities… with plenty more ideas to make the process easy. A must read!

model railroader tips


This 101 Handy Tips manual is a useful reference guide filled with tips and answers to common problems that confound most railroaders at some time or another. There are tips on: turnouts, couplers, shelf layouts, ballasting, power supply, track access, track cleaning, making scenery, flywheel problems, decoders, and plenty more!

videos and audios for model railroaders


You’ll also get 4 interesting and informative video clips which include lots of ideas for anyone in the hobby.

You can download and save them to your computer for future reference.

PLUS… An audio by veteran model railroader Tom Hobson who has personally installed 46 decoders in his locomotives. Tom shares some tips from his experience.

model train clubs


The Online Model Train Club is a month-to-month membership. You may have a look around the club and if you decide to cancel within the first 30-days you will not be charged again. The first months membership is free and you can stay on as a member for as long as you like (you will be billed just $27 mth) and get to keep the 6 bonuses (even if you do cancel). The choice is yours! You’ll gain access to more and more helpful resources each month. You may cancel in any month and you will not be charged again.

This bonus allows you to access for a whole month, all the Level #1 resources of the online model train club including a helpful DCC video, getting started videos and tips, lots of planning, design and scenery ideas and much more. Why am I giving you free access for an entire month? Simple – I know you’ll be impressed and not want to miss out on all the resources, tips and clever ideas inside the club. It is like a GIANT resource library for you to tap into when you need help.

Don’t delay; the sooner you access these resources, the sooner you’ll have your dream model train layout up and running! Take action NOW… not tomorrow!


P.S. At last you can have your DREAM layout that will impress both yourself, your family and friends. It’s a “no-brainer” investing the $67 $37 to save yourself time, money, and frustration when planning and building your ultimate layout. You’ll avoid all the common mistakes, and have answers to those difficult questions at your fingertips.

PLUS you get the exciting bonuses and ebooks together valued at $263.90…

PLUS as always, you’ll get my personal 100% money back guarantee… It doesn’t get any fairer than that !! visit sito link ===

Post in evidenza

Brain Training For Dogs today.

Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I’m a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years I’ve been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog.

Every dog without exception – has a hidden intelligence inside.

It’s an untapped resource to help you remove just about any troublesome behavior.

Keep reading to find out more…

I’m going to reveal how you can QUICKLY eliminate any behavioral problem… no matter how badly you think it’s ingrained… no matter what kind of dog you have.

If that excites you, I know you’ll find this letter EXTREMELY valuable…

“Because I’m going to show you a dog training system that took me 10 years to perfect – (and tens of thousands of dollars to learn) – a PROVEN “Battlefield-Tested” system for creating an incredibly well-behaved, intelligent dog who follows your every command!”

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique…

Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation – many problem behaviors simply melt away. I’ll explain why below.

Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog’s problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking – which is short term in its effectiveness at best – again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem.

Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.

Many other online dog training programs are created by PHONEYS with no certifications… This is dangerous, since using the wrong techniques will lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any “trainer” who does not list his/her professional certifications.

A little about me…and why I can help you…

As you know – my name is Adrienne Farricelli.

I’m a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer living in Arizona with my husband and our two amazing Rottweilers, Einstein and Petra. Needless to say, I’m passionate about dogs and absolutely love what I do.

I have also:

  • Had my work featured in USA Today and Every Dog magazine.
  • Contributed to eHow and All Experts.
  • Helped thousands of struggling dog owners all over the world.
  • Run a successful cage-less board and train company.
  • Provided training to service dogs for military veterans.

Because you get to the real individual root cause behind each problem you are dealing with, like chewing or barking or aggressive behavior to other dogs – and get a tailored solution for each problem. The ‘all-encompassing solutions’ of most dog training programs simply do not work because they fail to treat your dog as an individual.

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1) What do I get after ordering Brain Training For Dogs today?

You will receive full access to the member’s area of Brain Training For Dogs today.

You will get:

  • Cutting-edge dog training science and techniques.
  • Gentle force-free techniques ONLY.
  • Clear instructions with pictures.
  • Troubleshooting segments in the Brain Training course for difficult dogs.
  • Video demonstrations of the brain training games.
  • A HUGE archive covering almost every dog behavior problem you could think of.
  • Tailor-made solutions for behavior problems which tackle the root cause.
  • Exclusive information from a certified professional trainer with years of experience.
  • Ability to submit questions directly to me for answering through my support system.
  • A private forum where members can discuss dogs and dog training, or just chat and connect with like-minded people.
  • An online member’s area which means you can easily access all of the information on the go.
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  • Viktoriya

Obedience 101 Training…which includes:

  • Insider secrets of using a ‘food lure’ to train your dog to complete your commands.
  • The critical element needed to get your dog to sit/lie down/take or leave items.
  • Key strategies for getting your dog to stay/heel/come to you and listen to your every command. You will also learn how to teach your dog to ‘drop it,’ which can literally save your dog’s life if he ever picks up something dangerous!
  • You will discover the exact methods I have used to successfully teach obedience commands to hundreds of dogs, and learn the secrets that will make your dog eager to listen to your every word!

Adrienne’s Archive…which includes:

  • Over 100 in-depth articles covering just about every behavior problem you can think of.
  • An entire section dedicated to puppy training where I reveal the secrets of successful potty training, crate training, socialization and bite inhibition.
  • NO cookie-cutter solutions. Most behavior problems have many different possible causes, and each different cause needs a different solution. That’s why my techniques tackle the root cause of the problem to stop bad behaviors FAST.
  • All force-free, gentle techniques, created by a professional CCPDT certified trainer.

Post in evidenza


I’ve bought MyBoatPlans and this is my honest review of it. I will be covering the pros and cons of this product.

MyBoatPlans is a collection of 518 boat plans, 45 videos on boat building and hundreds of pages of illustrated guides on boat building. It provides a comprehensive package that contains all the plans and directions that will help you build any type of boat you would like to build.

Gone are the days when you have to spend thousands of dollars for a commercial small engine-operated boat. We are in the age of DIY and the boat-building industry has also recognized that. With MyBoatPlans, you get access to all types of boat plans typically available for a few hundred dollars for a fraction of the cost.

Visit MyBoatPlans Now
** LINK **

What You Get With The Package:

MyBoatPlans is an instantly downloadable product that you can look through right after sending in your payment. Aside from 518 specific plans for different types of boats, your purchase will also include 40+ videos and four bonuses with more than $1000 of value.

This bonuses include a feature-rich, multi-license software program to create any type of floatable object (including a boat, of course), rare books on boat-building that were previously only accessible to professional boat-builders, an in-depth review of 107 boat designs, and a commercial boat-builder’s handbook on safety regulations and consumer fact sheets.

  • What I Like About It:
  • Huge Amount Of Diverse Boat Plans

Imagine choosing which among those 518 plants you should start with. There are so many projects to do, you will not run out of them. What is more, these projects are written in clear and understandable language, so they are perfect for beginners but also suitable for experienced builders because of the huge assortment of simple and less simple boat plans.

Over 40 videos of step-by-step boat building

The 45+ videos on boat building leaves no stone unturned. It consists of the entire boat building process from conception to the final product. It is great for beginners who want an easy to follow video guide on boat construction. There are also videos on boat repair and boat design calculations which are great for professional builders

Great bonuses included

The bonuses you get with this product are great. You get a FREE boat designing software, a book on boat construction tips and the boat-builders handbook which is huge in and of itself.

Full Color Pictures

I appreciated the amount of full color pictures and diagrams that are included in the manuals. I’m a very visual person, so it is easier for me to follow a picture or diagram instead of reading paragraphs.

Visit MyBoatPlans Now
** LINK **

What I Didn’t Like:

The plans are all in downloadable electronic format, which is great if your main purpose is to stop using paper and save the trees. But it can be quite a hassle if you want to have your plan sitting snugly next to you as you build your boat.

However, you have the option of getting the DVD set of MyBoatPlans.That way, you don’t have to download anything. But even the DVD format offered is not as convenient as a real paper plan.

Do I Recommend It?

Yes! Who cares if it is in electronic format anyway? You can always print the plans out when you need to. Plans4Boats is the only package that offers such a huge number of high-quality boat plans for DIYers and boat-builders.

It is a quality product that contains hundreds of boat plans. It has plans for boats, kayaks and canoes that can be built in under 4 hours, up to elaborate plans for sailboats and yachts.

MyBoatPlans gets 2 thumbs up from me!

P.S IMPORTANT NOTE: I’ve just been told, MyBoatPlans is currently running a huge promotion. Normally it sells for over $150, they have slashed that price down to $67…for now.

I’m told the price is going back up within a matter of days. So if you’re at all interested, now is the time to buy MyBoatPlans.

Visit MyBoatPlans Now
** LINK **

Master Boat Builder, Martin Reid, Teaches YOU How To:boat building plans

Build Amazing Boats Of All Types Easily With Over 518 Step-By-Step Plans
Access To Over 40 Boat Construction Easy-To-Follow Video Tutorials
Crystal-Clear Photos That Guide You Every Step Of The Way
Design Your Custom Boat With CAD Software & Building Guides

Now You Can Build Your Dream Boat Even If You’ve ZERO Boatbuilding Experience With My Step-By-Step Plans & Crystal Clear Pictures

If you’re looking for high quality boat plans and tutorials with easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire boat building process without emptying your wallet, then you’ve come to the right place…

From the Desk of Martin Reid,

Boat Plans Martin Founder

Master Boat Builder & Educator
Date: Friday, February 28, 2020
Re: Boat Building Made Easy…

My Passion For Boats Started As A Young Child

He continued to tell me that this was my birthday present. A piece of paper? I have to say for a moment I was incredibly disappointed. My father then proceeded to explain that these plans would help us to build my first model boat… I know, not what you were thinking. Because of our financial circumstances, my father and I were never able to construct anything larger than a simple model, but my passion for boats only grew.

Things worked out well for me after I left home. I got a good job and made a wage that was more than adequate to cover my family’s expenses and even put some back. On a trip back home after the death of my father, I was going through some of his old things and found that first boat we’d built together. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bring back some of the best memories of my life. I loved building those tiny boats and always dreamt about building the “real thing”.

Visit MyBoatPlans Now
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“Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the “Fish” Do All the Work…”

Dear Gardener,

Imagine you knew a secret about growing plants in a break-through new way… to the outside world your organic garden or farm would seem almost “magic”, Why? Because people almost never see you working in it!

While every one else works hard at planting, weeding…more weeding…, watering, fertilizing, composting,… and more and more weeding… You’re gardening from the comfort of your hammock.

What’s more… your plants grow twice as fast, and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area of space as your neighbors do. That means, if you’re growing lettuce, and have 10 square feet of space… your method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 100 square feet of space!

If this sounds like a dream, you may be shocked to discover that farms and home gardens like this already exist… and you can do it too.

If you want to transform your gardening, and possibly even your life forever, get a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and spend the next 5 minutes reading this short story, this will be the most important letter you read this year, here’s why.

5 Things You Should Take Into Consideration When Building an Aquaponic System
Setting up an aquaponic system, although quite an easy task, requires some basic knowledge of aquaponics. If you have decided to install such a system in your house, then you probably know what this is and how it could help you. However, there may still be things which can interest or help you. Below you will find 5 essential things which you should know in order to obtain spectacular results.

1. Location
The place where you put your aquaponic system is highly important for the way in which the plants and the fish will develop. In order to obtain great results you should make sure that the temperature from the room is not too high, nor too low, that there is enough light for the plants to prepare their food and that no wind or extreme weather conditions will reach them. Also, make sure that no harming chemical substances can get inside the water as this means death for both your fish and your plants.

2. Oxygenizing the water
The happier your fish are, the better your system will work! This is why you need to oxygenize the water on a daily basis and make sure your fish have all the “comfort” they need.

3. Choosing your fish accordingly
The aquaponic system works well with almost all types of fish. Yet, there are states in which you are not allowed to grow whatever type of fish you want, so you will want to see what types of fish you are allowed to have before starting your aquaponic system as you do not want any problems with the law.

4. Placing the pots
In order to make the harvest much easier, you should place the pots or the entire system at your waits level. This way you will not have to bend over, making the daily care routine a much easier activity.

5. Adding additives
There are cases in which your fish may not provide all the nutrients needed for your plants. If the quantity is lower than what the plants need, then you will have to supply them with the respective substances. In most cases you will need to add iron, calcium carbonate or potassium carbonate.

Aquaponics is an easy activity which will provide you with the necessary vegetables and fish in a short amount of time. Just follow the tips mentioned above and you will have great success in your attempt to grow organic food in your home.

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Aquaponics as a Hobby
Are you looking for a way to keep your children busy and make them more responsible or you are a senior trying to find a profitable activity that will not require too much effort? Are you always on the run and you can never get to the market to buy fresh veggies for your meals? Then why not start an aquaponic garden? It is suitable for all the persons listed above and for many more. In fact, everyone will find this activity enjoyable and rewarding.

For children
This is the perfect way to make your children responsible. They will need to feed the fish each and every day and make sure that the air pump is working perfectly so that the fish get enough oxygen. Also, they will have to monitor the state of the vegetables and when they get yellowish they need to announce you. These are not easy tasks, but will give them a sense of responsibility and will know that someone relies on them. Also, they will be able to see how fish and plants grow, which will expand their knowledge about the vegetal and animal world.

For working adults
Vegetables are essential for a good nutrition, yet you can not always find fresh, organic veggies in the market. With an aquaponic garden in your house you will have fish and veggies for your family without depending on the market. Also, you will save some money without investing too much of your precious time.

For retired seniors
When retirement comes, many people seek activities which do not require too much effort. Aquaponic gardening will keep you occupied for a while, yet without getting over your entire day. In addition to that it will spare them of going to the market to buy veggies, it will help them save some money and at the same time will not require them too much effort. If they place the system at their waist level they will not need to bend or stretch, which will make this activity far more pleasant.

No matter what age group you are a part of, aquaponics can prove to be rewarding for you. Give it a try and you will never want to live without this system!

Aquaponics Fish
The aquaponics fish in your system not only provide you with a tasty food (rich in protein and omega 3s) but also provide nutrients for the aquaponics vegetables that you’re growing. Growing fish yourself will save you lots of money and you will have peace of mind knowing that the fish you’re eating are free from toxic metals and petroleum residues, which is becoming a growing problem with sea-caught fish nowadays. You can also make a great income selling aquaponics fish, because the expenses involved in growing them are very small.

So, which fish species do you choose for your aquaponics farming system? There are a few things you have to keep in mind before making your decision. Each species will have it s own different requirements and optimal temperature and pH ranges. In addition, some species will be able to grow in a large population density (more fish in less space) while others may need more space. Different fish also grow at different rates; presumably you want ones which grow fast.

Two very popular fish for aquaponics systems are tilapia and trout. If you live in warmer areas, you should opt for tilapia. They grow best at temperatures of 82° to 86°F and start dying if the temperature drops below 50°F. This is because at temperatures below 54°F, tilapia lose their resistance to disease and are prone to infections. Of course, if you live in cold areas but keep your house heated, you can set up the aquaponics system in a room and still grow tilapia. Tilapias are particularly suited to aquaponics farming because they are very hardy and will survive fluctuations of pH and waste build-up better than most other fish. In addition, they can grow well in crowded tanks, and grow quickly.

Another excellent aquaponics fish for warm climates is the catfish, which grows best at a temperature of around 80°F. They are very resistant to disease and parasites, but are sensitive to oxygen levels. If you grow catfish, make sure you have a good aerating system in place and carry regular tests.

If you live in colder areas, you should opt for trout. Although different trout species have slightly different requirements, most have an optimal range of 40° to 65°F. Like tilapia, they grow fairly quickly and make tasty food.

Some aquaponics farmers also grow goldfish. Now, although these are not used for food, they can be easily sold to pet-shops to be resold as pets. Goldfish are very hardy, grow in a variety of conditions and can fetch a significant profit. You can also sell goldfish directly by placing ads in local newspapers.

To discover how to get the best yields and fish growth rates, check out Aquaponics 4 You

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“Break-Through in Organic Plant Nutrition Leads To Shocking Results… “

In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically.

The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space. How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In 2006-2007, the ‘secret’ slowly started to leak out and people started catching on… converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.

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Highest Epc Aquaponics Site

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You will get full step-by-step plans that will walk you through the entire process so you can build your own windmill for just $98.Vegan Cooking for Newbies – $29 ValueYou don’t need to be Vegan to enjoy this guide. With great cooking ideas and recipes this guide will turn your organically grown produce into a beautiful meal.Survival Plants – $69This is a really interesting guide and once you start reading it you will see why… The guide is full of pictures and shows what plants can be used for certain survival needs like – high protein plants, healing, hydrating etc. It’s an exciting read that I highly recommend. Get this guide, plus all the others when you order Easy DIY Aquaponics below.
60 Day 100% Money Back GuaranteeWhen you order your copy of Easy DIY Aquaponics today, it comes with my unconditional 100% 60 Day Iron-Clad Money-Back GuaranteeTry the plans inside Easy DIY Aquaponics plus all of the bonus products listed above and if you don’t have as much success as I’ve promised on this website or even if you aren’t happy with the guide or videos, just send me a quick email and I will personally process your refund. No hassles and no problems. Even if its the 23rd hour on the 59th day, If you’re not happy, just let me know via a quick email and I will process your refund right away.

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to LOVE this system!

Get the complete Easy DIY Aquaponics system for just $27

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Model Train Club For Model Railroaders

Inexpensive Ways to Make Trees and Ground Cover For Your Model Railroad Layout

One of the most exciting aspects of model railroading is creating the scenery to enhance the landscape of a layout. The scenery is what adds the personality and interest to a layout to make it truly unique.

There are all sorts of scenery accessories you can purchase from online model train stores, but many things can be made from everyday items around the home. You do not always need to spend money when there are things around you for free.

Twigs from your back yard are a good example. They can be used for making small trees and shrubs, or be cut to resemble logs. There is no need to paint them, because they are already the right color. Small wooden meat skewers (from the supermarket) can also be used to make logs and they are very inexpensive to buy.

The same goes for adding grass to your layout. You can purchase some very good products such as “Static Grass Flock” to provide ground cover, or you can make your own. Some model railroaders use a mix of ready-to-use grasses from the hobby store, and combine this, with there own home made grass recipe.

Gather some fresh mulberry leaves and dry them in a microwave oven. After they are dried out, drop them in a kitchen blender and you have instant ground cover. The best thing is; it costs you virtually nothing to make. Store it in a plastic bag for when you need it.

The only disadvantage with making your own ground cover is you will not necessarily know how long it will last when compared to the bought stuff. Many of the ground cover products from a hobby store will have been treated to help them maintain their color and withstand temperature and humidity variances over time. Some of them are non-flammable and nontoxic, so you need to decide what is important to you.

A lot of model railroaders use dried kitchen herbs for leaves and ground cover. They mix different herbs (eg. thyme, oregano and parsley) for different effects. When doing this it is best to lay some newspaper underneath, as it can be a messy process. That way you can catch and reuse any herbs that do not stick the first time.

Sea Foam (also called “Forest in a Box”) is a popular material for making small inexpensive trees. You can bend it to look like trees and then spray on some adhesive and sieve on some flock. It is usually best to mix a few little pieces together rather than use just one piece for an entire tree.

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Fine brass wire can be used to strengthen the trunks and branches. Torn up pieces of masking tape can be wound around the tree trunk to add some width. This can then be sealed with a mixture of wall filler and PVA white glue.

You can even add sprinklings of kitchen herbs as mentioned earlier. You can then spray the trees all over with matt varnish, or spray them (upside down) with a mix of white glue and water. You then leave them to dry overnight.

Lichen is also ideal for making shrubs and trees. It is very versatile and looks good as mass foliage and undergrowth on a train layout. It is also inexpensive and easy to work with. You can purchase it in a range of colors that can be used separately or mixed together.

So, there are many, many ways to make ground cover and trees for your model railroad layout. It is a lot of fun and you might want to try some different options to see what works best for you. The point I am really making here; is that things on your train layout do not always need to be expensive. You just need to be a little creative in your approach. Have fun!

Join Robert Anderson’s popular online Model Train Club to get lots of clever model railroad ideas to help you build the model train layout of your dreams! link here==

Robert Anderson is the author of Model Railroad Scenery & Layout Construction Ideas.

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Model Trains & Model Railroads:
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This easy-to-follow, step-by-step, truly comprehensive “Model Train Help” ebook, is a valuable resource for the beginner or advanced model railroader.

Just imagine having “Model Train Help” to guide you every step of the way, as you create an extraordinary model train layout that other modelers only dream about. You too can learn the skills and methods used by experts to create some of the most astonishingly effective model railroads in the world. This is a valuable resource you won’t want to be without.

February 27, 2020

From: Robert Anderson.

Dear Fellow Enthusiast,

If you’re like me, and you’ve always been fascinated by Model Railroads, then you’ll definitely want to read this letter if you’re an experienced modeler, or new to this exciting hobby…

Let me explain why:

We all know that Model Railroading has been described as, “The World’s Greatest Hobby”, and it sure is! Yet, things CAN and DO go wrong…derailments, a motor burnout, scenery disasters, or when an electrical short grinds the traffic to a halt. Unexpected problems can take forever to solve and the right answers can be hard to find.Truth is; it doesn’t need to be like that! Most things are either preventable or fixable. It is all about knowing where to find the answers, the best way to do things and how to solve problems quickly and easily.That’s what my step-by-step “Model Train Help” ebook is all about. It is jam-packed with proven techniques, solutions to problems, clever short-cuts, creative ideas, useful model train tips, and “little-known” secrets… with all the difficult tasks made EASY! It is a model railroaders dream come true!

You’ll get straight-forward, no-nonsense
REAL answers to everything you ever wanted explained…
to create a model train layout you’ll be supremely proud of.

Indeed, “Model Train Help” takes all the guesswork out of setting up the perfect model railroad layout… complete with a raging waterfall, a fire setting with smoke, natural-looking trees, easy to build roads, rippling stream, historical buildings, an interesting branch line, classification yard, spectacular mountains, fields & fences, curved tunnels…it is all here for you!

“This is by far the most complete and easy to understand book I have ever seen about model railroading. Not only did I learn how to improve my set, but I also learned several new tricks to impress my train club friends!”

Arnold S, Illinois, USA.

I urge you to continue reading because…

“Model Train Help” will show you step-by-step
how to make difficult tasks EASY…
save money and avoid costly mistakes!”

Lets face it; creating and operating your own model railroad should be FUN! Yet, sadly, many modelers slave for hours, weeks, even a lifetime struggling with time-wasting problems and repairing expensive mistakes. You and I both know that building a model train layout and fixing problems should be enjoyable, NOT frustrating… and why would anyone want to waste big bucks buying or replacing something that can be easily made or fixed for a fraction of the cost.

Listen carefully, because here is the key. To save yourself money, time and frustration, it is important to do things correctly. Afterall, your ultimate objective is to create a model train layout you’ll be supremely proud of… a custom designed train layout that can be enjoyed not only by yourself, but by friends and family too!Here’s a brief sample of what you get:

Help Getting Started –
Explained Step-By-Step!
Take all the guesswork out of setting up the perfect model railroad layout. Easy to follow action steps to quickly and easily get your model train layout functioning right.Knowing what to buy and how much to spend… …the types of sets to purchase and what NOT to do!How a beginner can master projects like making your own roads, trees, grassed fields, rocks, fences, smoke, tunnels, mountains and even a rippling steam or raging waterfall! (with tips and clever ideas to save you cash!)Discover answers to the difficult questions everyone wants answered!WAYS TO SAVE MONEY and how to spot the best buys in model train accessories.Why the cheapest isn’t always the best…even on a budget. The things that don’t work and what you can get for FREE!Find out where to see the “ultimate” layout with 8 miles of HO track and 10,000 freight cars.Plus Lots More Clever Tips & Ideasmodel railroad scenePlanning Your Layouts –
Save Time, Money & Stress!
5 easy steps to building your layout…easy-to-follow instructions from drawing your first sketches through to your working model railroad layout!4 layout options to consider (plans included) and which one NOT to choose.Find out how to select and model a real “full-sized” railroad. Critical steps to give your LDE projects that extra “edge.”EXPOSED: The biggest MISTAKE and stumbling block to building a layout…and how to avoid falling into the same trap!Choosing a theme and how to select trains, buildings and scenery to match the historical era or geographical zone… and where to research facts at NO COST!87 quick tips to building a better train layout… (many of these secrets are known only to the most experienced veteran modelers).“To die for” – a list of valuable model railroad resources… and contact information for the top train layout and accessory manufacturers….and where to go for expert advice and get all your tough questions answered.
The very best ways to plan for track-work changes and extensions to your railroad once it’s built. Tricks of the trade revealed!How to define your layout space… and eliminate or work around potential dangers and problems like beams and pipework.Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasHelp With Locomotives & Cars
Everything You Need To Know!
REVEALED: The 6 things to save you from costly mistakes when buying a locomotive.The truth about the diesel locomotive NOT to buy!Where to start when buying rolling stock. What to look for… how to select what’s best for you… and what you absolutely MUST avoid. Which couplers to choose and how much to spend.Learn the two things you need to prevent a locomotive from suddenly speeding up or falling off the track.Secrets to “test-driving” your new locomotive and precisely what to watch out for!EXPOSED: The kind of tire to NEVER use! Most of the time they don’t work properly and can cause irritating problems.Discover how a locomotive works and why some locomotives out-perform others.The very best ways to prevent cars from constantly running off the track!Plus Lots More Clever Tips & Ideasdiesel trainsHelp With Adding Realism –
Clever Ideas & Useful Tips!
Secrets to weathering revealed: The quick and easy ways to give rolling stock and structures an aged look or the appearance of wear and tear… and what NOT to do if you want your buildings to look real!Discover the small details that need attention (they’ll make a HUGE difference to your layout.)What the bathroom cabinet holds that will give a road crossing a more authentic look.The little-known insider secrets to bring cheaper rolling stock to life!The hidden mistakes that will get noticed… and are easier to fix at the construction stage.How to check that automobiles, people and signage is right for the setting…plus 9 essentials tips for creating more realistic scenery.The ingeniously simple secrets to replicating rust, mud and even tire marks to add realism! The simple idea that will really impress your friends!Techniques to bring your model to life. What to include in your layout for added interest, reality and excitement.Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasPowering Your Train Layout –
Explained Step-By-Step!
Which transformer to choose… you’ll avoid problems and save yourself from hidden costs. What NOT to buy and how the different power packs compare.The type of engine you should NOT run with a starter transformer.The precise minimum current you’ll need to run various accessories… and when to use more than one power pack.Which pack BEST simulates the stopping and starting of a real train.Find out how to get smoother acceleration and improved control at lower speeds.The power pack that allows you to stop your trains more quickly.How to prevent interference problems between wiring on your model railroad.The amps you’ll need to comfortably run 1, 2, 3 or 4 trains!EXPLAINED: How a circuit breaker works to provide protection!Insider secrets on larger power packs…pilot lights and meters, more operating modes, extra terminals for accessories like walkaround and infra-red wireless throttles…what they offer.Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasTechnical Help –
Solve Problems Easily!
What the technical terms and abbreviations mean in simple terms. All the complex stuff made easy to understand.2 surprisingly simple tables explain the different gauges, scales, boxcar lengths and more. Discover how scales and gauges compare to full-sized trains.8 ways to select the right scale to match your needs.The pros and cons of choosing O, OO, HO,N or Z. Select right and you’ll avoid problems later!An ingeniously simple way to set up your power pack for easier access and use.Cut through the technical gobbledygook. Terms like: “scale”, “back emf”, “narrow gauge”, “turnout”, “HOn3”, “command control”, “circuit breaker”, “boosters” and “minimum radius” …all made simple to understand!How to use flywheels for smoother, more realistic running. The simple way to do advanced things like track section wiring and turnout motor wiring.Step-by-step illustrated tutorial on wiring for two train operation.The right track geometry for the laying of parallel track shown step-by-step.Exactly how to do interchange track…and why include lots of switching. Plus Lots More Clever Tips & Ideas
Help Building Scenery –
Clever Ideas & Useful Tips!
The 5 low-cost and no-cost, fun ways to make natural looking trees explained step-by-step (with tree profile drawings). The BIG MISTAKE to avoid when making trees.Techniques to make your town scene more realistic with less effort…and the quick, EASY, inexpensive way make windows, telegraph poles, old signage and even how to make a pile of old tires for a scrap yard scene.making sceneryREVEALED: The easiest way to construct your own tunnels…and how to color and finish them for dramatic effect.The common household items that make fantastic ground cover, rocks, roads, fences and scenery props for little or no cost. A model train veteran of 28 years reveals his low cost scenery tips.Ingeniously simple fire scene techniques: Discover ways to make smoke and flames that look so real your friends will wonder how you create the magic you do!The very best techniques to make your own roads. 2 easy to follow methods explained step-by-step with clever finishing touches to add amazing realism.The LOW-COST pet product to use in creative ways on your model railroad.Simply amazing ideas to make your own grassed meadows and mountain landscapes with stunning realism!Want to know the most effective ways to make rocks, weeds and even hay to add visual appeal to your model?Clever techniques to create a tranquil pond, drainage canal, raging waterfall and rippling stream. Which materials work best. EASY and FUN! You just need to know how.New step-by-step photo tutorials including: how to electrically join two baseboards, the easiest way to build a frame and baseboard, how to solder track, lay ballast and more!Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasTrack Solutions Explained –
Save Time, Money & Stress!
4 different track options explained…how they compare… and which rates BEST!!
What to do when track won’t work properly!The single BIGGEST cause for trains to run erratically.Should you choose roadbed or standard track?The secret to using curved track that prevents derailments!How rail joiners work…and how to stop them wiggling loose and causing derailments.
The best way to use sectional track…and the new options you’ll get with flexible track.The rails that need most cleaning – what to avoid!How you figure grades and how steep they can be! Do you need to solder track?
How you lay and fix ballast on track-work to get the most realistic look!The different track options to turn an engine!Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasHelp With Maintenance –
Repairs Made Easy!
The ingeniously simple ways to repair minor faults yourself without having to pay for repairs.5 track cleaning methods explained and the thing you MUST NEVER do.How NOT to damage your trains or layout when cleaning (it‘s easy when you know exactly how!).The quick tip that could save you costly repairs!The easiest, safest, and “almost free” way to clean your track.Hidden dangers to avoid…how NOT to clean your track!When to hire a experienced repairer…how to contact a good one…and what you MUST ask BEFORE entrusting them to repair your train layout.Discover why some locomotives make a racket and how to prevent the problem.3 things to do if your locomotive frequently stops or slows down in the same spot on the track. What to do if your locomotive sits and hums, but won’t move.Broken flange, twisted wheel, defective or stuck coupler, track out of alignment…what to do.How to dislodge decals without damaging paint!Plus Lots More Clever Tips & IdeasSmooth Running Made Easy –
Save Time, Money & Stress!
The common cause when locomotives become wobbly and fail to pick up electricity. The type of tire to avoid at ALL COSTS!Find out if you should oil your trains?What you should do if your engine freezes when being fed current.How to prevent motor burnout! Try this simple test to see if your locomotive is working too hard.The wetting agent that works BEST for N scale ballast…why NOT to use a water/detergent mix!Explained: the term ‘module’ and how they work best? How to relocate your layout without harming it.A model train enthusiast for 32 years spills the beans on how to make trains run better without constantly slowing down.The truth about derailment problems… the causes identified and SOLVED!Where NOT to put your train layout…plus safety tips to prevent disasters!Storage issues explained. How to safely store electric trains… and what you should NEVER do.Revealed: The “hard to find” place to get model train video downloads and train sounds for FREE!Plus Lots More Clever Tips & Ideasuk model trainAdvanced Techniques –
Made Quick & Easy!
How Analog and DCC operating systems compare. The pro’s and cons revealed!Find out how to operate more than one turnout motor from one switch.
The tricks to avoiding hidden ‘s curves’…the cause of messy derailing accidents when using longer cars or certain locomotives!The very best way to avoid wiring problems!Adding easements so that your model trains can negotiate curves with ease…and when to locate them in vertical curves.Find out the tiny adjustment that prevents damage to buffers.Learn the truth about buying a DCC system. The surprising omission most people don’t expect.The ingeniously simple tip to detecting a locomotive decoder.The little-known secret that will save you time locating faults!How to make an LDE project work BEST for you… what to look for when modelling a real life railroad… everything explained from choosing your prototype (full size railroad)… everything from how to define your layout space to designing and building your layout!The BEST track underlay to tone down noise levels on your train layout.The easy to use software for 3D rendering that helps eliminate mistakes… and helps determine exactly what’s needed for a track layout!
Learn what you need to do when wiring for a reverse loop. Step-by-step diagrams.Learn about HO scale, Double 0, N scale,
Z scale, O, S, HOn3, G scale and more.Plus Lots More Clever Tips & Ideas
“The best book I have seen yet on model railroading! It covers the whole spectrum of creating a layout with valuable tips and ideas. I am now clearly focused on which way to go. Thank you.”

Brian Ward, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Lots of great little tips for both beginner and expert. The list of references is worth the price alone!”

Duane Lindstrom, Michigan, U.S.A.

See Below For 6 Amazing BONUS GIFTS!

“After spending all last week trying to figure out why my trains kept stopping, I’m so relieved I found your book on Google. There, staring me in the face on page 114 was the solution. I could have saved myself countless hours of frustration. It is an excellent resource that more than paid for itself with this one answer. I’m very grateful thanks!”

Phillip H, Canada.

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Online Model Train club

Introducing! Rob’s Online Model Train Club…

You’ll get 24/7 Access To 100’s Of Clever
Model Railroading Ideas, And Step-By-Step Tutorials To
Help You Build The Model Train Layout Of Your Dreams
…Saving You Time, Money, And Frustration!

27 February, 2020
From Robert AndersonHello Fellow Model Railroader,
Regardless of whether you are an absolute beginner, or have been in the hobby for years, there is always something new to learn and discover.Trouble is: trying to learn everything on your own is a daunting task, so that’s where the “Members Only”Model Train Club can help.As a member you’ll get to share ideas with others and learn from the many step-by-step tutorials contributed by expert model railroaders with years of experience.The club will keep you up to date with every aspect of this fascinating hobby.A Treasure Trove Of Resources At Your Fingertips – ALL IN ONE PLACE! As a member you’ll have access to an excellent range of how-to videos, articles, photo tutorials and so much more. You can read the information, print it out if you like… or, just relax, enjoy and learn from the videos. It’s up to you. You’ll get to ask questions and work through ideas with the experts. Everything will be at your finger tips, so you won’t need to waste hours trying to find the answers ever again.model train club tutorial

You Deserve The Model Train Layout Of Your Dreams!

You’re probably worried that membership access to such a huge resource
library will cost you over $100 a month. Well, I can put your mind at rest.Others have told me it would be worth $100+ for personal access to such a valuable resource. But, I won’t be charging you anything like $100 a month.
I won’t even charge you the $75, or $50, or even $45.If you’re quick….For just $27 you’ll get Full Access to everything in Level #1,
so you can have an inside look and decide if you want to remain a member. I know you’ll be impressed with what you discover like: the many step-by-step tutorials, expert tips, articles, the comprehensive photo gallery, how-to videos, solutions to train problems..and so much more!Rob’s Members Only” Model Train Club has members worldwide and is for beginners right through to experienced model railroaders. It’s and amazing “expanding” resource to have at your beck and call!If you are decisive and take action today, you can get your first month access to
the club resources at an incredibly low price of ONLY $27 – plus you’ll also get
5 FREE BONUS GIFTS ($160.00 Value).In short, it is a fraction of it’s true value in terms of what it will do for you and what it cost me to research.
model train club tutorial

Bonus Offer To Midnight  27 February 2020model train sceneryFREE BONUS #1 (Worth $39.95)
Model Train Scenery And Layout Construction Ideas E-book
In this ebook you’ll learn all about building a layout, including how to design a track plan to best use the space, building low relief and below track level scenery, and inexpensive industries to build. There are even two model train layout building tutorials taking you step by step through the construction of a small layout and a micro layout.Now, I’m the first to admit, this informative e-book doesn’t cover absolutely everything. Fact is; it would take thousands of pages of cover every aspect of this exciting hobby, but I have condensed my best and most useful ideas, into 109 pages of practical help. You get this ebook FREE today, even though it sells for $39.95 everyday on my Model Train Layouts site. model train techniques FREE BONUS #2 (Worth $29.95)
Model Train Techniques E-book
  (PDF)This e-book is packed with dozens of uesful tips on DCC, wiring, decoder installation and programming, weathering rolling stock, locmotive repairs and maintenance, fixing problems, scenery making….and so much more! Free today!   build modular railroad FREE BONUS #3 (Worth $27.00)
Confessions Of A Mobile Layout Builder
  (PDF)This manual explains exactly how to build a mobile model train layout, so you don’t have to start again if you move house. Read how a mobile train layout can save you money and take up less space.You’ll really enjoy this! Photos, tips and layout plan included.You get this report FREE today, even though it sells for $27.00 everyday on my Model Train Layouts site. model train tips FREE BONUS #4 (Worth $37.00)
110 Handy Model Railroading Tips Clever Ideas
 (PDF) T his 44 page manual is packed with 100 of best model railroad ideas and model train tips on a range of topics including: planning a layout, constructing in stages, shelf layouts, making ground cover, including people and animals, making tunnels look real, freight train weathering, scratch building, broken couplers, led lights, train lubrication, track creep and misalignment, locomotive decoders, cleaning dirty track, model train parts, flywheels, buying a locomotive, point-to-point layouts, out-and-home layouts, scale distances on model train layouts, cutting flexible track… and MUCH MORE!You get this manual FREE today, even though it sells for $37.00 everyday on my Model Train Layouts site model train videos FREE BONUS #5. (Worth $27.00)
4 Model Railroading Videos 
(mp4)Video #1: See how a Micro HO model Train Layout can be built in a 2 foot x 1 foot suitcase. Take a tour and watch this micro layout in action. Absolutely fascinating to watch!Video #2, #3, #4: Operating A Small Layout. Featuring “Illinook”, a 4 foot x 1.5 foot model train layout built as a switching puzzle. Watch the step-by-step operation of this layout with its two spurs serving two different industries. A treat to watch!You get these 4 videos FREE today, even though they sell for $27.00 everyday on my Model Railroad Videos site 

Clik here link =====

Truth is; I have thousands of satisfied customers WORLDWIDE and a reputation to protect. So, if you genuinely believe the information is not worth the price you paid, I’ll gladly arrange you a refund, or you have the option to cancel at anytime. So the risk is entirely on me!
What could be fairer that that?
Sincerely, Robert Anderson
model train layouts author

 Seriously, if you are genuine in wanting to build and operate a better model train layout… and want to learn model train tips, secrets and little-known “tricks of the trade”… and still qualify for today’s LOW price – You’ll need to be quick and order TODAY!
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Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super-Human
Strength & Transforming Your Entire Body Into Solid Iron

This ground breaking article is dedicated to…

  • Athletes who need the extra edge
  • Men in their 40’s and above who need to have a body that works the way they want it to
  • Guys who simply need or want to be strong

Saturday February 01, 2020

By Mike Westerdal, Personal Trainer, Powerlifter, Best Selling Fitness Author and former skinny weakling that struggled for years building real strength

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered how some guys you know have such an easy time gaining muscular strength? And they can do it in just a matter of weeks without endless reps, complicated exercises, hours in the gym, fancy equipment or dangerous drugs?

If so I’d like to show you how.

But first, I’d like to share with you 4 Hidden Strength Keys I’ve stumbled upon that will help you build massive, life changing strength that goes beyond the gym. Secrets that I have been fortunate enough to learn from my good friend Mike Gillette who is considered a master practitioner of mind/body power. I’ll tell you more about Mike in just a minute but first…

You’ll need to grab a pen and pad to take notes because these 4 Strength Building Mantras could be the difference between tapping into rock-solid strength or submitting to your genetic limitations.


Making a habit of training to failure is not doing you any good.

When you train, you are not only training the muscles but your central nervous system (CNS) as well.

The problem with training to failure is that it is very hard on the CNS and really interferes with your recovery ability (and can even develop a nasty habit of missing lifts). Training to failure needs to be avoided if you want to keep making progress and avoid burnout. You can train just short of failure and get really strong.


True bar-bending strength transforms more than just your physical realm. Building the type of strength I’m talking about transforms your life.

Yes, your body will become a hardened machine capable of extreme feats of strength that you never thought you could accomplish… but other areas of your life will also transform.

Here’s why… If you want everything you can get out of life, you need to be strong. If you want long-term, healthy relationships you need to be strong for other people. If you want to achieve anything meaningful in life for yourself you need to be strong for YOU.


If you have been getting your “strength training” information from some glossy bodybuilding magazine that has some oiled up, tanned guy in spandex “pumping” his muscles… then I’m sorry that’s not going to build real strength.

Real strength training results are all about improving your function and capabilities.

If you base your strength training on stereotypical bodybuilding dogma its like having a Ferrari with no motor inside… it’s all show and “no go”.

Besides, how can you possibly learn strength training from people who don’t train for strength?


The truth is getting bigger muscles is damn hard work. In reality only a few people really have the genetic capabilities to build huge muscles…but strength training is different.☺☺

Everyone and that means even you, posses the ability to get stronger than you are now. It’s a universal trait. In fact you probably don’t realize just how strong you can be. Inside you right now, laying dormant is the potential for bone crushing strength just waiting for the right opportunity to be unleashed.

Strength training can be devastatingly simple… use the right program made up of the right exercises and you will get results. It’s that simple.

The “mystery” is in knowing the right program and the right exercises to do.

That’s why I’m super excited to have made the acquaintance of an extraordinary man named Mike Gillette who was a former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard.

Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military And Law
Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys
Like You And I To Get Strong…

Mike Gillette was one of the smallest and weakest kids in his class who grew up in a household overwhelmed by domestic violence and substance abuse.

Yet, he overcame all this to become a real life action hero.

It’s a life which includes time spent as:

  • An army paratrooper
  • A SWAT commander
  • A member of the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame
  • A counter-terrorism consultant to the Department of Homeland Security
  • A bodyguard to Fortune 500 executives and film stars, like Sylvester Stallone, and…
  • A record-setting strongman who has been featured in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not and Guinness World Records

After researching his strength and conditioning principles and watching some videos where he was performing some amazing feats of strength like bending steel bars (pictured above), I was hooked! I practically begged him to allow me the honor of publishing his new strength training program which we’ve decided to call…



Savage Strength Training takes advantage of your body’s inbuilt movement patterns. This little known tactic utilizes the natural ways the body is supposed to move and when you train within these movement patterns you will build powerful bar-bending movement and force.

The principle of movement patterns is combined with the ideal repetition speed and goal specific rest periods… two factors often overlooked but critically important if you want to have true strength.

And at the heart of Savage Strength Training is load manipulation where Mike shows you how to overload your body, muscles, tendons and connective tissue to do things you never thought possible and create the type of strength you’ve only dreamed about.

Best of all it’s about no-nonsense training that is easy to understand, safe to perform and delivers serious brute strength results for a long time.

Here Is A Small Sample Of What You Will Learn When You Download Your
Copy Of “Savage Strength Training” Today:

  • The true answer for rock hard abs and core stabilization… and it’s not high rep ab exercises
  • Why cancelling your gym membership could be the best thing you ever do for your strength gains (but you don’t have to cancel your gym membership if you don’t want to)
  • A special technique for shocking your system that develops mental toughness like nothing else (hint: it’s got to do with a thermometer)
  • The natural movement patterns of the body that must be trained in order to harness your true strength potential
  • The little known secret you can learn from power lifters about rep speed to prevent your nervous system shutting down and turning off your muscles. This ensures your body can always perform the strength tasks you ask of it
  • Marine Inspired killer “century sets” that trick your body into recruiting additional motor units therefore building greater power and stimulating more muscular activity… you won’t find this talked about in any glossy newsstand bodybuilding magazine
  • The ideal tempo you want to lift super heavy weight at… and how to tweak the tempo of lighter weights to massively increase their effectiveness for strength (and even muscle size)
  • The lie that you have been fed by personal trainers in every gym and how it is stealing away your strength gains
  • The crazy leverage tricks that can be learned from Slim “The Hammerman” Farman that you can apply to bodyweight training (or even some items from the local hardware store) to force your body into increasing strength
  • Why the simple concept of off-balancing load can do amazing things for strength development and stabilization of our bodies and how to apply this to a handful of basic exercises you are probably doing already… this transforms basic exercises into brutally effective strength builders and builds an iron core of stabilization
  • The secret to managing your fatigue correctly so you not only train your muscles for strength but your central command center the nervous system… this “flies in the face” of conventional bodybuilding training
  • Why training to failure, training for the pump, burn or using high intensity can not only be hazardous to making continued progress but can lead to burnout… get this wrong and you will never reach your strength goals
  • A simple shortcut to instantly get more focus in the gym and shut out all those annoying distractions
  • How to smash through barriers and stop the body “thinking” it can’t do things. The body has protective mechanisms set in place from previous experience and mental beliefs and if you don’t train the body correctly these will always be there limiting your strength
  • The strength building tip you can steal from world class gymnasts that will allow you to build super human type strength

If you have what it takes to follow in the footsteps of one of the toughest and most knowledgeable men I have ever come in contact with, then download your copy of the new Savage Strength Training System…



Here’s where Mike spills his guts and reveals his back story and mindset game plan that he uses to get results most men can only dream of-both in the gym and in life.

One of the best parts of this training manual are the 8 Strength Secrets that Mike reveals in section 2.

If you’re a strength geek like me and love to read about the theory behind the program you’ll enjoy this motivating No BS masterpiece. The Manifesto will empower you with the knowledge and ability to design your own Savage Strength based workouts.


You also get all the printable workout sheets that you can bring with you to your workout.

There are over 16-Weeks of Savage Strength Training Workouts in Phase 1. This first phase contains 5 different cycles that keep you progressing and improving week after week. In Phase 1 you’ll train 3x’s per week.

In the Xtreme Advanced Phase II you’ll feel the power of the 4-day split-body program. These training logs are awesome for keeping track of your lifts and your progress as you watch your numbers sore off the charts!



This component gives you the ability to design your own Savage Strength workouts by selecting an exercise from one of the 9 Primary Movement Patterns.

In addition you can also swap out exercises from your training logs if you lack the equipment or have an injury.

Mike Gillette demonstrates every single exercise inside a super convenient pdf that includes pictures, definitions and alternative gym exercises that you can refer to and be sure you’re doing everything right.

With Mike as your coach walking you through over 40 exercises you’re safe-guarded against injury and guaranteed to get the maximum benefit out of every rep.


Link here

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The Natural Synergy

The World Health Organization (WHO) verifies and has proof that this natural healing science works to treat over a hundred common ailments8

World Health Organization

Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of Your Health?

Natural Synergy was created specifically for you and your loved ones suffering from a wide range of ailments.

So, by now, you’re probably wondering, “Emily, how much does it cost?”

I’m going to reveal that in just a second…

First, I want to provide even more tools to ensure your success…

That’s why I’m adding 3 EXCLUSIVE BONUSES just for you.

Bonus #1: East-West BP Balance — Acupressure for Regaining Healthy Blood Pressure (Value – $39)

BP Balance book

Are you aware that one-in-three U.S.adults9, (about 75 million), have high blood pressure?

Americans spend an average of $1,112 per person, per year, on drugs that are unnatural and harmful for the body.

I know… those HBP meds almost killed me. However, that horrible experience also turned me down the right path to self-healing.

In the East-West BP Balance, you’ll find proven ways to treat your blood pressure without the expensive or risky of medications.

This 142-page goldmine of information is broken down in two parts. Part one is the Western methodology of naturally treating high blood pressure and part 2 is the Eastern methodology.

Some of the incredible solutions discussed include:

  • 42 Super fruit, veggies, herbs and spices that have been clinically proven to naturally fight high blood pressure – p. 40 – 48
  • Acupressure points to harmonize the heart, side-effects include: relief from depression, anxiety and insomnia – p. 78
  • Acupressure points to relieve stress and calm the mind which drastically lowers BP – p. 92
  • Fighting free radicals, a cause of high blood pressure – p. 23
  • Easy-to-follow steps and diagrams using TCM that correct High Blood Pressure at its root cause – pg 71

This book can save you a lifetime of struggling with blood pressure, as well as dangerous and expensive medications. Imagine what it could feel like the next time you get your BP checked and your doctors says he hasn’t seen numbers these good in years!

The systemis filled with easy-to-follow diagrams, pictures, and delicious recipes that will make your transition to healthy blood pressure as easy as 1-2-3!

Break free from your toxic BP medication – which never cures the problem.

Instead, take control of your health using natural Eastern medicine and well-researched Western remedies to attack the problem at its root cause.

Alisha Wrexler, Caldwell, ID

“Your blood pressure program was everything I needed at the right time. Although I only had mild high blood pressure, your teachings quickly got me back to normal — thank you dearly.”

Bonus #2: Eastern Metabolism Miracle — Lose Weight While Eating What You Want Using Acupressure (Value $49)

Metabolism Miracle book

We all need help with weight control. However you may be surprised to know that it’s not about what you eat, but when!

This 79-page,Eastern Metabolism Miracle covers how you can control your weight using acupressure and metabolism boosting techniques.

  • Calorie requirements: Different bodies, different needs. How conventional weight loss advice is counter productive – pg 10
  • Easy-to-follow acupressure points for consistent weight loss – pg 44
  • Logging your way to a lighter you. How journaling can help you pinpoint specific foods that are derailing your progress – pg 37
  • Harmonizing the Spleen & Stomach for optimal digestion. Discover how the spleen plays a vital role for optimum digestion and a faster metabolism – pg 49
  • Metabolism Myths: Fact vs Fiction. Discover the myths that are sabotaging your weight loss, while kickstarting your body to burn fat like you’re a teenage again – pg 12
  • Knowing the right nutrients for profound fat burning – pg 23

Using a simple acu-sequence, you can lose the weight and keep it off by:

– Boosting your metabolism

– Balancing your appetite

– Regulating your digestion, insulin, and hormones

While still enjoying the foods you love.

Practice these pressure points after each gym workout to ensure your metabolism burns like a furnace for the rest of the day.

Craig T. Houston, TX

“Thank you for this awesome program! I’m a self confessed junk food addict. I used to be able to stay in shape by going to the gym, but as I got older, the weight started to creep on. I don’t pig-out like I used to… but thanks to your metabolism boosting techniques, I can still enjoy chic-fil-a on a regular basis without the guilt anymore.”

Bonus # 3: Acu-Facelift Revitalizer — Defy Aging with Acupressure by Stimulating Youth Meridians(Value $29)

Acu-Facelift book

When we think of improving our appearance, we concentrate on the skin and muscles in the face. However, the root cause of sagging skin, spots and dark circles stems from deeper issues in the organs.

This easy-to-follow 153-page system shows you the acupressure points to the three organs that are directly related to a youthful appearance and overall wellbeing.

  • Chapter 1 – The Kidneys – the Gatekeeper of Youth. The Kidneys are the organs most critical to slowing the aging process. This chapter shows you the exact points to press to nourish your kidneys. It only takes 20 seconds a day! You’ll be shocked to know these pressure points are nowhere near your kidneys.
  • Chapter 2 – The Lungs – The Forgotten Fountain of Youth. When the Lungs are out of balance, it causes premature aging. “Unhappy” lungs create thin, papery skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. You’ll discover:
    • Acupressure Points for Cooling and Moistening the Lungs
    • Foods for rejuvenating the Lungs
    • Gua Sha Facial Massage – an exciting, ancient facial technique that circulates stagnant energy and stimulates microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. 
    • Using a Jade Roller to help de-puff, firm the skin, increase circulation, and decrease inflammation.
  • Chapter 3 – The Spleen – A Vital Key to the Beauty Puzzle. The spleen plays an important role in keeping the muscles firm and strong. It works against gravity to hold everything in place including your face. If it becomes imbalanced, skin and muscles begin to droop and sag. This chapter will show you how to use acupressure points to invigorate the spleen, tighten the skin and firm up the facial muscles.
  • Chapter 4 – Putting Together Your Cosmetic Acupressure Routine. Learn a step-by-step beauty acupressure routine that you can easily apply when you have free time.
  • Chapter 5 – Your Daily Beauty Routine. Now that you know your pressure points and have an acupressure routine, it’s time to incorporate them into an overall beauty routine. You get 44 pages of full-color photos of the pressure points for not only facial beauty but your overall health.
  • Chapter 6 – Five Fantastic Facial Masks from the Kitchen. You get complete easy-to-make recipes for fantastically revitalizing facial masks. It includes the science and reasoning behind the ingredients.

This exclusive bonus is a proven step-by-step blueprint that teaches you how to defy the aging process by using acupressure and ancient Chinese secrets.

You may have read about A-list celebrities using cosmetic acupuncture to keeping sagging eyes and jaw line jowls at bay. Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow10, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Lopez are just a few stars that swear by its rejuvenating powers.

With ongoing treatments charging up to $300 per session, and the pain of needles, only the rich and famous can afford this treatment. That is until now.

This do-it-yourself acupressure beauty blueprint is painless and is just as effective!

The information in this book alone has saved me hundreds of dollars in facial serums and concealers that I no longer need.

Angelica W. Bridgeport, Conn

“In my mid thirties; I slowly watched my face inherit the pronounced jowls my mother had. So when I bought natural synergy, I was very interested to see what acu-revitalizer would do for me. My sister mentioned the difference first, then eventually my husband. Since then I’ve followed the beauty advice daily and my jowls look much softer!”

Complete Natural Synergy System

These three incredible bonuses are exclusive to Natural Synergy. You can’t get them anywhere else and together, are worth $117The Natural Synergy Guide alone usually retails for $299, and we’ve sold hundreds at that price.

The entire Natural Synergy program PLUS all those incredible bonuses have a combined worth of $416, about the same as a couple of spa facial treatments or prescription meds.

I know what it’s like to have depressing health issues and limited finances. That’s why I’m offering the entire Natural Synergy package at a MUCH lower price.

You don’t have to pay $416. You are not even going to pay $50!

I want to help as many people as I can, so you’ll get everything for just $47. That’s it.

This offer and website can be pulled without notice. It’s for a limited time only.

Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below, and in seconds, you’ll have complete access to:

  • Bonus #1 – East West BP Balance
  • Bonus #2 – Eastern Metabolism Miracle
  • Bonus # 3 – Acu-Facelift and Revitalizer

In all, there are hundreds of Acu-Frequency techniques to re-balance your system and restore your natural homeostasis.

BUT WAIT! We’re adding something else that is absolutely incredible and invaluable!

Super Bonus — The Natural Synergy App (Value $29.99)

Go here link

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That’s how my buddy Wesley Virgin’s !!!

That’s how my buddy Wesley Virgin’s story begins in this shocking and controversial video.  

No, this isn’t about gun control or politics of any kind. 

You see, Wesley was in the army—and shortly after leaving—he discovered hidden “mind control” secrets that the CIA and others use to get whatever they want. 

As it turns out, these are the same secrets many celebrities (especially those who “come out of nowhere”) and top business people use to become rich and famous. 

You’ve heard that you only use 10% of your brain. 

That’s mostly because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS. 

Maybe that conversation has even taken place INSIDE your own head… as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin’s mind 7 years ago…

… while he was driving a non-registered beat-up bucket of a car with a suspended license and $3.20 on his debit card. 

 Mind-control secrets the CIA doesn’t want you to know

“I’m so frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck, when will I get my big break?”

You’ve been a part of those conversations, right?

                      Your success story is waiting to be written, all you have to do is take a leap of faith in 


                      Take Action Now!

Maybe that conversation“There he was, looking through the end of an AR-15 gun barrel… wondering if he would die.” 

You see, Wesley watched people all around him going nowhere. 

And stuck in the same apartment laying on an air mattress his mom gave him…

…just STUCK!

That is…until everything changed…and I mean RADICALLY changed.

You see, Wesley discovered that attracting abundance doesn’t have anything to do with “marketing loophole secrets”…the courses you buy…or the life coaches you hire.

===> This “mind hacks” helps you alter your unconscious to deliberately manifest ANYTHING you want. 

Whether it’s wealth… a new job or business… extraordinary love… a better body… anything. 

A world where he learned mind-control techniques the average population NEVER even know to exist. 

“Nothing will change in your life, until you open your mind, to something new, that can transform your life sooner than later.”

P.S.—These secrets are working for real people, just like you, right now. But that’s also angering those who don’t want a level playing field. They want to keep these mind hacks all to themselves. 

So even though you can see some amazing stories of proof to start this video, there’s a good chance it could be taken down 


Lets Goooo! visit web link===

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You good to his dog


I must however confess that, in my sentimentality, I am deeply moved and admired in front of that wolf who cannot bite the opponent’s throat, and even more in front of the other animal, which counts on this reaction of his! An animal that entrusts its life to the chivalrous correctness of another animal! There’s something to learn for us too! I at least have drawn a new and deeper understanding of a wonderful saying from the Gospel that is often misunderstood, and that up until now had only aroused in me a strong instinctive resistance: “If someone slaps you on the right cheek …”. Enlightenment came to me from a wolf: not to receive another slap you have to offer the other cheek to the enemy, no, you have to offer it just to prevent him from giving it to you! ”(Konrad Lorenz, King Solomon’s ring).

We have a precise guide, find out how to learn how to train your dog in a cirretto way … let’s see together step by step …
Not sure what you need or how much it costs? We are always happy to talk about how we can work together.

Clik here

Because you get force-free, easy to understand directions, troubleshooting guides, step-by-step guides, and pictures and video demonstrations you can use with any dog to quickly unlock his natural intelligence and eliminate bad behaviors. Quite literally I’ve compressed years of study of hundreds of problem dogs into a ‘paint-by numbers’ system for creating the wonderfully well-behaved pet you desire. I will show you why the formula is structured the way it is without wasting a moment of your valuable time.

Because you get to the real individual root cause behind each problem you are dealing with, like chewing or barking or aggressive behavior to other dogs – and get a tailored solution for each problem. The ‘all-encompassing solutions’ of most dog training programs simply do not work because they fail to treat your dog as an individual.

Clik here

Obedience 101 Training…which includes:

  • Insider secrets of using a ‘food lure’ to train your dog to complete your commands.
  • The critical element needed to get your dog to sit/lie down/take or leave items.
  • Key strategies for getting your dog to stay/heel/come to you and listen to your every command. You will also learn how to teach your dog to ‘drop it,’ which can literally save your dog’s life if he ever picks up something dangerous!
  • You will discover the exact methods I have used to successfully teach obedience commands to hundreds of dogs, and learn the secrets that will make your dog eager to listen to your every word!….

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